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Looking outside the car's window, Justice could see that they are driving at an isolated area, no living thing could be seen from yards and yards away.

The secret message paper had completely stopped burning, Abhor called them Crysul. He said that they were specially made for Justice's parents to be given to her. Opening the folder, Justice picked the recently burned one. Reaching for her reading glasses, she wore them and began to read.

Dear Justice,

This is your mother, Linda Philips. You are probably wondering why or how I managed to write on the papers your mother gave you. I'm here to tell you why, when you were two years old. Your father came to visit you, he traveled to Xyrelies to warn me. He told me that you may be in danger in the future, he told me the same thing your mother told me. The reason he came to visit was to take you. He came to take you back. Lucas said that you may cause danger to our family and that we may end up dead. I asked him what will happen to you, he said that you will constantly be on the run with your parents. I agreed to have him take you back, he took you that same day. But after two weeks, he returned. He said that having you in constant danger was dangerous for you and your mental health. All the hate and negative emotions, you felt them, and you ended up causing destruction. He said that I only have to take care of you until you're eighteen. And I agreed once more. I knew that somehow someday, we'd be in danger. That was a risk I was willing to make. I saw you as one of my own, to me you were always my daughter. I can't have an innocent baby experience all this madness, Clark and I both agreed to take you back. We haven't heard from your father since, I'm sorry I took you from them. But I want you to know that it was for your safety. This message will become visible when, or if we are taken. You don't have to save us anymore. Please focus on yourself. All will be explained to you when you get to Haven Gate. We love you. Please know that.

-Linda Philips

After reading her foster mother's letter, another Crysul began to burn itself. At this time, Abhor found a gas station. Parking the car to refill the gas, Justice left the burning Crysul to finish inside the car. Abhor and Justice excited the car, the two went their separate ways, Abhor filled up the car with gas and Justice brought food for the two of them at the convenience store.

Justice entered the convenience store, she saw a cashier and a man standing by the restroom, ignoring the two of them. Justice proceeded to buy whatever it is they will need for the rest of their journey to Haven Gate. Justice was minding her own business when the man standing by the restroom door appeared in front of her.

"Miss I need you to come with me." He said in deep voice.

Sizing him up, Justice asked, "May I help you?"

"No questions please. Just come with me." The man said holding her wrist. The man forcefully pulled her out, making her let go of the food she was holding.

"Hey!" Justice screamed, trying to pull her hand back.

The man tried to cover her mouth and nose with a handkerchief that smelled of gas that will possibly knock her asleep. Justice tried her best to resist, Abhor saw the situation and ran over to Justice and the strange man.

Abhor punched the man on his face, temporarily stunning the man, Abhor lifted his left hand towards the strange man, Abhor must have done something because the man passed out. Justice was surprised to see the man's face transform, it was the same man that was knocking at her motel room door at Zerual.

Walking close to the man, Justice crouched down and poked him to make sure that he was really unconscious. Receiving no other response from him, Justice stood up and walked away. Restocking on the food she originally held, she walked to the counter and paid for the food she's holding and the food she wasted.

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