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Twelve hours later, Justice woke. Looking out the window she saw that it was dark outside, looking to her left she saw that Abhor had been awake this whole time.

"What time is it?" She asked the man beside her.

"18:48," he answered without looking at her, "What really happened between you and Chase?" He asked while staring into nothingness.

"I thought you knew our story," Justice whispered glancing at him.

"Even if I am your Guardian Angel, I still give you privacy." He smirked.

"Aren't you noble," she replied with a smirk of her own, "Well, believe or not, that girl Cierra had nothing to do with it."

Abhor propped himself by the headboard even more to face Justice who was facing the ceiling. Justice continued.

"One night, Chase was out with the guys...."


Justice had just come out of the bathroom, fresh off the shower, when she heard her phone ring. Walking to her night stand, she unplugged her phone and answered the call.

"Hello?" She answered while picking out her clothes.

"Hey babe!" She heard her boyfriend reply.

"What's up?" Putting her phone on speaker, she started getting dressed.

"I'm going out with the guys tonight, I can say no if you don't want me to go." Chase asked for her permission.

"No, it's okay you can go," Putting her shirt on, she reached for her book at her bookshelf and started reading.

"You sure? I can say I'm sick or something." He asked once more.

"Do you even want to go? Or are you just making me an excuse for you not to go?" She asked sarcastically, flipping the next page.

"So you're totally okay with it?" He guaranteed.

"Yep." She replied popping the letter p.

"Okay! I'll call you later." She heard him reply before hanging up.

Justice spent the rest of her saturday reading her books at home. Night came, and Justice had just finished eating her dinner. Making her way back into her room, she heard her phone ring.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Baby?" She heard a male voice reply.

"Chase? Are you okay? You don't sound okay." She replied when she heard his slurred voice.

"Actually, Can you pick me up? Justin and I went to this bar with Alex and Rover and we had a couple drinks. And I think I'm drunk." Walking down to Robert's room she saw that the occupant was missing, making her way to Crystal's room next, she asked where he was.

"Oh! Robert's staying the night at her current girlfriend's house." Crystal answered.

Having no choice but to pick up her drunk boyfriend and his friends, she decided to go at the bar by herself.

"Baby?" She heard her boyfriend's voice resonate from her phone.

"I'm coming to pick you up. Stay where you are, which bar are you at?" She asked while changing her clothes.

"I'm at the Bear Cub," confirming his location, Justice hanged up the phone and went on her way. She arrived at the bar thirty-five minutes later and she saw Chase with his friends, conversating drunkly. Making her way over to them, she greeted the guys.

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