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Kring!!! Kring!!! Kring!!!

The continuous shrill sound of an alarm clock filled the room with noise. The girl in bed adjusted herself for a few seconds before staying still to continue sleep, despite the loud noise.

"JUSTICE! WAKE UP! I can hear your damn alarm clock from here!" A shout was suddenly heard somewhere.

A hand encased under the covers, reached for the alarm clock that was sitting on top a night stand, turning it off.

"AND DON'T YOU DARE STAY ASLEEP!!" Another shout from a different person resonated from her left, "YOU DO KNOW THAT YOUR SHOUTING IS THE THING THAT'S WAKING PEOPLE UP!" Justice shouted in a monotonically loud voice resulting in more shouting coming from everywhere.




All the shouting continued until one voice overcame all the others.

"ENOUGH!" A voice louder than all the other ones immediately made all screaming stop. Soon after, loud footsteps was heard. All the other occupants heard the familiar loud footsteps and the feeling of overwhelming fear came through all of them, the only one indifferent was Justice.

A door was opened so loud that it sounded like the hinges was ripped off, there stood a lady in her early 40's with eyes furiously searching for the rooms occupant. Her eyes scouted a half asleep teen sitting on her bed looking at the door way.

"Good morning Mrs. Philips," Justice greeted in a monotonic tired voice while rubbing her eyes with her fingers to wipe the rheum away.

"Justice. Sweetheart. I know it's always been difficult for you to wake up early but you should know that even though it's your summer vacation, you still have chores to do remember?" The woman in her doorway, named Linda Philips tried containing her anger all while forcing out a smile as she spoke to Justice in the gentlest way possible.

"Yes, I know Mrs. Philips. And I'm really sorry," Justice now fully awake wholeheartedly apologized to her foster mother, "Sorry guys..." Justice also apologized to her foster siblings. Despite her monotone voice, her siblings felt her mild sorrow.

"We forgive you Justice!"

"Don't worry about it girl!"

"It's not your fault your mother abandoned you!" Soon after that was said a painful shout was heard from the same direction.

Justice smiled sadly, "Don't worry about it.." she replied with a weak continent voice.


Clanking utensils were the only noise heard coming from the dining room as everyone else was too scared to start up a conversation. Justice wearily looks down at her meal with an expressionless face but everyone can see she was grieving, refusing to eat breakfast was a dead giveaway.

"Justice. You are acting very inappropriate in front of the food," the woman in charge said without looking up at the said girl. Everyone else was holding their breath, cautiously looking around as if something unforeseen was about to happen.

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