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Justice hurriedly ran to Abhor's hotel room the moment the elevator doors opened, leaving Abhor behind with the key card. Justice ran back to Abhor when she realized that she left her key card inside her bag, which was inside the room. She impatiently started pulling Abhor to his room when she noticed how slow he was going.

Abhor purposely slowed his movements to tease Justice, the said teen growled in irritation and her eye color changed to a bright red. Sensing her irritation, he paced himself.

Pushing the doors open, she pushed Abhor inside. The two of them was surprised to see a naked woman on the bed, Justice recognized her face and saw that it was the receptionist. The woman screamed in surprise when she saw that Abhor wasn't alone.

She quickly apologized, picking up her clothes and left the room. Justice faced Abhor with a look of disbelief, "I'm just gonna take a wild guess and assume your a player."

Before Abhor could deny her claims, Justice had already left his sight and left to get her ring in the bathroom. Appearing out the bathroom, Justice sat at the chair beside the bed, the chair her bag was currently occupying.

"Don't you want to sit here? On the bed?" Abhor pointed to the space beside him.

"No thanks. I don't know who or how many women have been there." Abhor shrugged and didn't bother denying or admitting anything. Moving himself across her, he sat close and reached for her hands.

"What are you doing?" Justice asked shaking his hands off of hers.

"Just trust me." He slowly reached for her hands waiting for her to take his.

Sighing, she agreed and interlocked fingers with him, "What now?" She asked.

"Close your eyes.." he said with his eyes closed, "No funny business." She demanded with a monotonic voice. Letting go of her right hand he lifted it up in the air and swore, "I promise!"

That idiot lifted his left hand!

Closing her eyes, she let Abhor take lead. Seeing that she closed her eyes and he soon followed in suit.

"Remember how I told you how your mind is like a blank canvas?" He asked her with both of their eyes closed. Sneaking to peak at Abhor, "Which you still have yet to explain, by the way." Justice murmured. Abhor shushes her and told her to focus.

"What about my blank mind?" She asked sarcastically with closed eyes.

"I want you to imagine being there. Imagine taking us there. Which is pretty easy since it's pretty much nothing." He teased, and received an hard slap from her.

The jocular man was rubbing his face to ease the pain. Justice ignored him and let out a breathe and focused, she followed Abhor's instruction, trying her hardest to imagine taking the two of them there.

White filled her mind, she tried remembering the feeling of being inside, she tried to remember what it was like. And before she knew it, they were inside.

Opening her eyes, she saw the familiar color of white surrounding the two of them, "You can open your eyes now." She informed. Abhor opened his eyes and let go of her hands.

"So. Why are we here?" She asked walking around.

"Do you remember what I told you the last time we were here?" He asked.

"Yeah. You said you missed me then invaded my space." She said bluntly.

"Not that! The other one!" He frustratingly said. Justice answered him with a shrug, "I told you that you can imagine whatever you want to imagine. You can see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear." Abhor reminded.

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