The Knight of Arkham

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Joker says there's a final helper that Scarecrow is positive about them helping us. Mainly since this person knows Batman very well so we agreed on finding this guy..
Joker gave us the directions to where we can find this mystery ally. So I, Jayden, Liam and Jake all went straight to the place.
Upon entering a bunch of men I were told were called The Milita. "Hey there boys. I'm here for your leader to talk about business." I told them as I skipped over. "Oh yea? What do we get Hm?" They asked in a seductive way. "A kick in the balls if you don't." Liam told them. Jake giggled and Jayden smirked. We walked past to the leader Arkham Knight.
"Hey there Arkham Knight." I greeted. "Ah. Maddie, your here.. About time. So Joker wants my help taking down Batman right?" He wondered. "Yep! And guess what. You and I get to do the finishing blow!" I smiled. "I'm in if I get to end him my way." He told us. "Deal! As long as it's brutal." I added. "Of course." He replied as I smiled. "Good lets go!"

We then all left back to base. "Oh Dad!! Got Arkham Knight!" I yelled. We sat upstairs and everyone joined us. Scarecrow. Liam. Myself. Jayden. Jake. Joker. Arkham Knight and Poison Ivy. Joker went over the plan of ending Batman and taking Gotham for ourselves. We were all pleased and excited.. Soon we went to our rooms and began designing things we needed for our plan to kill the bat. Catwomen was tied up downstairs as we knew she'd try stop us killing her lover.

Soon we finishing planning, making and other things.. The plan was to inject Bats with fear toxin and make him face his worst fears to please Scarecrow, Ivy will use her plants as she wishes to trap him first then Arkham Knight and I capture him and end him as brutal as I want in the way Arkham Knights wishes.. So if Arkham Knight says to hurt his arm. I could break it off if I wanted..
Jayden, Jake and Liam were to stay at the base to keep an eye and be ready to style it as Joker instructs as he's left the plan up to me, Scarecrow, Arkham and Ivy. We left the base and got our trap ready in order and then.. Waited for Bats..

Thanks for reading! Sorry this is short but I'm back writing at my own pace as you noticed. Anyway, see you in the next part which shall be the end! <3
Apologies if this part also seems a little less like the old ones. After the incident I told you guys about I guess I lost ideas therefore I've attempted to make this closer to the end now as I'm starting a couple new stories! Hope you enjoyed either way!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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