Best Friend to The Rescue

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Well, lets just say our escape did not go as planned... We were driving when we got hit off the road by a black car. Of course its Batman. The car was tipped upside down as Batman, Nightwing and Robin pulled up. Batman grabbed Joker, Nightwing grabbed Liam and Robin grabbed me.. We were of course taken to Arkham.

"Hey, Maddie. Doctor's ready to see you!" Cash yelled as he dragged me to the interview room.. "I'm sure we'll be fine now Cash" The doctor spoke. Gotta say, he's quite cute for a doctor. Must be in his 20's. He had blue eyes.. Blonde hair, glasses and of course the uniform but his shirt under the coat was undone to just above his chest, showing a little. He smirked towards me as Cash left. "So.. Maddie is it?.. The one and only daughter of the Joker.. Anything you can tell me?.." He asked in a seductive tone. I didn't answer. "Like why were you so determined to get to him?.." He added. "Maybe because he is my father, my only family left! My mother is dead, my fostered family abused me! What do you think made me become this!? Batman that's what.."

The doctor jotted down things on his clipboard. "But.. Isn't Batman the hero? Protecting us from people like you?.." I just laughed. "Do ya think true heroes would have a brain?" The doctor looked confused. "Let me explain.. Bats abuses us.. He throws us in a tiny cell and expects us to co-operate and explain our god damn life! That's not how it works.. Want respect? Ya gotta earn it.. Let me ask ya something.. Would you tell a random stranger you're life after their friend beat you up?.. Come find me when you have an answer.." Cash then came in and pulled me to my cell. Few moments later the doctor came by. "I thought about you're question.. And.. I want to help you escape.. You, Joker and you're assassin.." I smirked. Walking closer and pulling his collar so he is closer to me. "I'm glad you're on my side..." I smirked letting go and blowing a kiss. Just to.. Make it more believable..

So after a few moments the alarm went off. That doctor came back and opened my cell. "Someone's here.. I don't know who but they'll distract the guards." The doctor took my wrist and eventually we were caught by guards who came to check my cell. Joker and Liam was with them, cuffed as you'd expect. They cuffed me and the Doctor said "I was bringing her to you Cash.. So she wouldn't escape." Cash just shrugged and said to get to the safe room. The doctor hurried off, not looking back. Just great..
"Argh!" A cop dropped dead.. We didn't see who it was but then more officers dropped.. One after another.. Large blood trails from possibly the weapon being used. Then a guy in red dropped in and killed the last one. Grabbing Cash and throwing him through the window. The guy looked at me and took the cuffs off us.. I stared at him. He had a red hood over him and was holding a huge weapon.. Bigger than himself..
"Who are you?" I asked "Yea, nice to see you too." He replied lifting his hood off his face;

" He replied lifting his hood off his face;

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"Jake?.." I said in shock. "Missed you too" He laughed. I jumped and hugged him, excited that he was back.. "Come on, let's hurry out of here..." Jake showed us to the room our stuff was in. We changed into our original clothes and grabbed our items. Jake  put his hood over his head and transformed his weapon into a revolver and put it into its holster and took out a grapple hook and zipped up to hole in the ceiling that he more or less dropped through.. I jumped from wall to wall and grabbed the ledge. Jake helping me up and then Liam grabbed Joker and also got up. We ran across the roof, jumping down and using Jokers henchmen to bring Jokers boat, since we were on an island. We got in and sped off for the city..

"Jake, how did you know where we were?.." I asked. "Well they said Joker and his daughter had been caught so I guessed it'd be at Arkham Asylum. Its the only place they can lock up crazy psychos." He chuckled. "You've changed since we last saw each other.." Liam mentioned. "So have you." Jake replied. Liam and I explained to Jake everything that happened. Jake was in shock of what happened but wasn't too surprised. "Wow, no wonder you disappeared for practically months.. You were hunting down you're crazed father and cracking heads for a living." He said jokingly. Soon we arrived at the hideout and settled in to rest. Jake's room was black and red;

 Jake's room was black and red;

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Liam's was all black;

And then Joker and I shared the largest bedroom with two single beds ours was of course Purple and Green, my side being Purple, his being Green

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And then Joker and I shared the largest bedroom with two single beds ours was of course Purple and Green, my side being Purple, his being Green. My side;

Joker wanted to keep his side

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Joker wanted to keep his side.. Normal as our hideout is actually just a large mansion like house.. His henchmen sleep in the basement/cellar. So we decided to keep our rooms and all that 'normal' looking so we avoided suspicion. Here's Joker's side;

We all closed and locked windows and doors, closed the curtains

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We all closed and locked windows and doors, closed the curtains. Locked the henchmen in the basement/cellar. We settled down to get some sleep after a long night..

Thanks for reading! As you have noticed Jake, my best friend's character is very much inspired by Rwby from the anime. I never watched it myself but Jake very much enjoys it. So hope you enjoyed and Jake, hope you like you're character and I hope you all like you're rooms! ^-^ If ya wish to change them let me know and send me a picture! <3 Bai!

Oh and one more thing! I am working on ANOTHER story based on Skyrim, 2 parts already done just gotta edit them and I will release them! I've been playing so much of Skyrim lately so why not make a story? :p I will be taking a break from writing as well, as you may or may not notice I release new parts rather often as I am very quick at typing, so I won't be releasing parts as quick as before. Hope you're all OK with that ^-^

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