Quick announcement!

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been making a lot of new parts, I was on holiday last week (From 18/6/17  to the 25/6/17) I released a new part to a new drama type story based on Kidnap. Its based on my character going through her biggest fears, characters so far is 3 YouTubers (Markiplier, Jacksepticeye and Natewantstobattle) the kidnapper, the kidnappers son and that is all. 

I'm probably gonna take a break from this particular story to continue with my other ones but I will continue this as I am probably gonna bring it to a close after a final helper to Joker's team is introduced! As so far there is myself, Joker, Liam, Jake, Scarecrow and Poison Ivy. So that is all I wished to talk about! See you guys in another chapter!! <3

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