Chapter 10: Loving the bad boys name: Let's get married

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Bree's POV

"There she is, the hottest new celebrity."

I stand as Chanel skips into our kitchen, clapping happily as she approaches me. I shrug when I meet the confused eyes of Lauren who stood opposite me at the kitchen island, neatly plating her cinnamon bread. I had no idea what Chanel was talking about.

She squeals, holding onto my shoulders, jumping up and down, so I grab onto her arms to steady both her and myself. "Can you stop squawking and tell me what the hell is going on?"

"You know, I'm quite upset you didn't tell me you and Heath Jackson were best friends." She claims, pulling her phone out from her back pocket. "Here." Chanel states, tapping on the screen a few times before shoving it in my face. I focus my eyes and see several articles of Heath and I on celebrity news outlets. I roll my eyes and take a seat again.

"I'm not famous." I tell her.

"Who's Heath Jackson?" Lauren asks, sliding a slice of her cinnamon bread over to me.

I shrug, digging my fork into the dessert, the fresh smell of cinnamon, filling my nostrils. "He's a friend of my mentor at deception."

"Who also happens to be a supermodel." Chanel adds, taking a seat next to me. "If I was a guy I'd be all over him." She states, grabbing my fork and taking a bite out of my cinnamon bread.

"Chanel, get out of my house." I jokingly tell her, snatching the fork out of her hand.

"You're lucky I still have to get ready for the campfire." She says covering her mouth as she chews. She hops off the stool and makes her exit the way she came. "Oh yeah." She says, snapping her fingers and spinning back towards Lauren and I. "Do you think I could get an autograph from you before I go."

"Leave!" I yell, pointing my finger to the doorway as she finally disappears out the door. Lauren and I share look and I laugh, going to tuck into my bread.

"I'm starved. What's to eat?"

Ryder steps into the kitchen, damp hair, and wearing nothing but a towel as water droplets rolled down his tanned skin, his toned abdomen on show. I stare at him dumbfounded as he rummaged around in the fridge, pulling an item out and inspecting it before putting it back and pulling out another one.

"Ryder, what are you doing?" I yell, collecting myself and hopping out my seat to try and usher him out the door.

"Bree, what are you doing?" He laughs, holding onto the top of the doorframe to prevent me from pushing him out any further. "I've literally just come out the shower and I'm practically naked. Why are you complaining?" He breathes.

"Yeah, why are you complaining?" Lauren calls as she wolf whistles, pointing her thumbing over to Ryder and mouthing 'wow'.

"Ricky could come back home any time now and we all know he wouldn't appreciate seeing his teenage nieces' half naked boyfriend searching through his fridge." I try to explain. "Plus you're supposed to be getting ready for the campfire."

Ryder sighs. "Fine you win baby, I'm leaving." I stand arms folded in the doorway as I watch him walk away back to his room. He quickly turns back around and steals a kiss, softly pecking my lips.

"Okay, now I'm leaving."


It was around ten o'clock and the campfire party Nina organised for Mason was in full swing.

"Parker! Parker!"

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