Chapter 31: Loving the bad boys name: I love you too

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Ryder's POV

The clouds were grey outside. I didn't know much about weather predictions but I was 99% sure it was gonna rain.

I had left Blake's early this morning and went for a walk. I didn't have a specific destination in mind but I had ended up on some park bench. I couldn't sleep one bit last night, I felt horrible for what I did to Bree, but I didn't know if I could ever tell her that, because that would mean we'd need to talk about everything. I wanted to forgive her, I did, but I just didn't know if I was ready to say those words out loud.

I forgive you.

"Hey HB, long time no see!"

I'm brought out of my thoughts to see a kid on a skateboard. It takes me a minute to realise who it is. "Dallas? What the hell are you doing here?"

He shrugs. "School field trip. I snuck out of the hotel."

I try to stop myself from laughing, I was conflicted on whether to reprimand him for breaking the rules or fist bump him for doing something I know younger me definitely would have. I decide on the former. "Y'know you'll get in trouble for that, right?"

Dallas scoffs, folding his arms confidently. "Nah, I'm too good looking to get in trouble."

"Ahh..." I say smiling reminiscently. "The days where being too good looking was the only thing I had to worry about."

"Hey, where's that hot chick you were with last time?" Dallas asks abruptly, a questioning look on his face.

I frown. "Long story."

"Did she fuck up? Lilly did me dirty once."

"Oh yeah...?" I ask, staring at him in curiosity. "What happened?"

He shrugs once again. "I forgave her."

My brows furrow. "Why would you do that?"

Dallas watches me for a second before sighing and hopping off his skateboard, sitting next to me. "Well, she's important to me and I'm better when I'm with her mom makes a mean chicken casserole."

"Bree's important to me too." I explain. "But that doesn't mean I can just forgive her."

Dallas nods in agreement. "Of course not, dude. I may have forgiven Lilly but I made her sweat for a few weeks first. We're kings, Ryder. These girls have to know they can't take us for granted."

"I guess..." I say trailing off.

"Look, we're a bunch of dumb, insanely hot people. We're bound to do stupid shit but that doesn't mean we can't learn from our mistakes and move on."

I stare at him in disbelief. "How old are you again?"

"Fourteen." Dallas quips. "I'd ask you your age but I know numbers don't go that high."

"Asshole." I mumble.

Suddenly, his phone buzzes from his puffer jacket pocket. He casually pulls it out to read his text message. "Ah shoot, I've gotta bounce but it was good seeing ya." He says dapping me up. "And remember..." He calls, pointing an accusing finger at me. "Your woman is super hot. If you don't tap her, someone else will."

"I'll take note of that." I nod, watching as Dallas rides away on his skateboard.

Well then.

That just happened.


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