Chapter 15: Loving the bad boys name: He's missing you

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Bree's POV

"I can't wait to see people modelling your dresses in the fashion show."

I look up from my comfortable position on the couch in Amira's office, as I worked on my design sketches for the competition. I was coming a long way with my designs, all I had to do was finish the final touches. I laugh at Amira's confidence. "I'll have to win before that happens."

"You will." She tells me, matter-of-factly. "You have talent Tomas, believe in yourself."

I smile. "Thanks."

The office telephone rings and I draw my eyes away from Amira and get back to my sketches.

"Bree, this is for you."

I glance towards Amira to see her holding out the phone for me. "It's important." She says.

I send her a questioning look but all she does is shrug, a childish grin on her face. I get up and hold the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I ask intrigued.

"Babe you've gotta help me, I've spilt hot sauce on Ricky's bed sheet and it's not coming out." Ryder's panicked voice sounds through the other end of the phone.

Oh boy.

"Wait. Why are you even in his bedroom?"

I hear Ryder scoff, his voice deadpan. "He's got a waterbed and a massive TV. I think that pretty much speaks for itself."

"You're ridiculous, Ryder." I tell him with a giggle, my eyes slowly drifting to the clock on the wall. "Look I love you, but I've gotta get back to my design sketches. I'll talk to you later."

"Wait!" He calls hectically before I can end the call. "What should I do? Your uncle will kill me."

I think about resolutions for a brief second before landing on one. "Find Manon, I'm sure she can help you." I tell him.

I slip the phone back onto the hook, hanging up the phone. Seconds later it begins to ring again so I sigh reluctantly spinning on my heel, answering the phone once more. Ryder could be such as pain in the ass sometimes.

"I can't help you with your hot sauce problem." I tell the other person on the line, not waiting for them to speak.

"Oh Bree, you know anything spicy gives the females in this family gas problems."

"Mom, oh my gosh, hi! I miss you so much." I gasp excitedly. "Wait, why are you calling my internships office phone?"

"Yours keeps going to voicemail." She tells me as I pull out my phone from my pocket, mentally cursing myself when I see that it's dead.

"It died." I admit to her, handing Amira my phone to charge it for me. "Anyways, how are you? How long until the baby's due?"

"I'm doing good. And I've got about five weeks left now, thankfully."

"That's so exciting, I can't wait!" I say trying to sound enthusiastic. Truth was, I was excited but it was also kinda hard not being there for my mom's pregnancy, as I knew this was going to be her last. I missed her a whole lot, way more than I did the first time I left for New York.

"How are you and Ryder?" She asks.

"We're good." I say, deciding to leave out the countless petty disagreements Uncle Ricky and Ryder engage in daily. "How are Bethany and dad?"

"Well Bethany's still brazenly spending our money—so nothing's changed there but your dad's struggling with the fact that he's going bald."

I bite my lip, trying my hardest not to laugh. I couldn't imagine my dad going bald...

Actually, yes I could and it was fricking amazing.

"Are you going to ask about Luke?"

"No. Not really." I deadpan, shaking my head even though she couldn't see me.

"He's missing you." She calls in a sing-song voice. Was this her way of trying to make me feel guilty?

"Tell him he should, I'm awesome." I go to put the phone down but stop at the very last second, bringing it back to my ear. "Tell him I miss him too!" I call quickly, hanging up.

I make my way back over to the couch, the same time Heath struts through the doors.

"Hola, bitches." He greets.

Before any of us had time to reply, he's shoving his phone screen in both Amira and I's faces. A random man's dating profile present on the screen. "Any of you find this guy attractive?" Heath questions us.

"I think he's cute." Amira admits. "For you..."

"Oohhhh." I gasp, my eyes darting between both Heath and Amira as I entertainingly watched their reactions.

Amira smiles smugly to herself, proud of her insult whilst Heath narrows his eyes at her, his jaw ticking. "Y'know what puta? I don't need your hate. Jesus loves me." Heath says, sassily flicking a piece of fallen hair off his forehead.

Amira laughs at him. "Jesus may love you but everyone else thinks you're an idiot."

"Ugh, don't you ever get tired of putting makeup on your two faces every morning, you Gemini moon hoe." Heath quips back, rolling his eyes.

"Okay, okay." I decide, not wanting to have to deal with the fallout of these two. "That's enough."

"Whatever Bree. I know you're a Gemini rising..." Heath retorts.

I frown. "What's wrong with Gemini's?"

Heath tuts, turning his back to me. "If you don't know, you don't know."


"You're following me to work now?"

I enter the hallway, ready to head home at the end of the day to see Carson stood there, his attention on something on his phone.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" He chuckles, switching his phone off and tucking it into his back pocket. "I'm actually here to pick up Sarah."


I fold my arms. "Well she's not in this hallway."

He dramatically looks up and down the hall. "Yeah I guess you're right. I'll try somewhere else."

"Yup." I nod, walking past him.

"Oh and Bree..." I freeze in my spot, debating on whether I should turn around or not but I decide on the prior option. "You should know I only agreed to pick up Sarah on the off chance that I would run into you." He admits smugly.

I roll my eyes. "Well I guess you got what you wanted."

He stares at me for a brief moments before shaking his head, a smile etching on his lips. "Not yet."

What's that supposed to mean?


Anyone missing Luke and the rest of the Tomas family, or just me? ;)

Also, please vote, comment and share.


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