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I arrived before them and waited on Hani's porch bench. I saw them drive up and waved. "Hurry up guys!" They raced each other and Minho lost. It started raining "Let's get inside." We walked into Hani's house and sat on the couch. I turned on the Tv and we started watching Cheo-Yong.

A Few Hours Later...
I looked at the time on my phone. "Oh, I've got to go now. It's five forty-ish. Catch you guys later." They waved and I went outside. It was still raining. "Ah, my motorcycle's wet." I wiped the seat as best I could and got on. I didn't bring a jacket so I was drenched by the time I was home. My hair drooped and stuck onto my face as I walked inside.

"Jeez did you take your motorcycle? It's pouring out there!" My mom grabbed me towels and I went upstairs. I changed into a black turtleneck sweater and black jeans. I put on my shoes and walked downstairs. "Mom! We can head out now!" My mom nodded "Ok, let's go." We walked out and it still was raining.

I brought my raincoat just in case. We got in the car and drove to a restaurant. I left my jacket in the car and we walked inside. My mom talked to the waiter and he showed us to the table.

They were already there. We bowed "Hello again." He nodded and we sat down. The boy just looked at me.

"You must be Euna, right?" I nodded "I'm Nae Euna it's nice to meet you." He smiled "She's a sweet girl right Jimin?" He rolled his eyes and looked away. His dad frowned "Anyways I'm Park Han. You can just call me whatever suits you." I nodded. "Well, then Mrs. Nae-" "It's Ms. Nae." He nodded "We shall leave you two in peace." My eyes widened and my mom gave me thumbs up and I sighed.

I looked back and his aura didn't look as hostile as I thought it would be. "So you're Jimin?" He gave me a short nod. "Look just because we're in an arranged marriage doesn't mean you can just get my love and trust. You're just probably one of those needy girls who are sluts."

I immediately stood up and let out a breath "Please excuse me." I walked to the restroom and splashed my face with a bit of water. I sighed and mumbled, "I guess guys just naturally hate me."

I smack my cheeks lightly and walk out of the restroom. I looked at the table Jimin was supposed to be but saw no one. A waiter walked up to me "Um, excuse me, ma'am. The man with you told me to tell you to just go home." I smiled and thanked the waiter. When I went outside, my mom's car was gone and so was my jacket.

I groaned in annoyance. "Great. Guess I'll just have to walk home." I walked in the rain feeling a bit refreshed even though it was freezing. I heard rustling and darted my head around. I stayed silent. Like hell will I yell out 'Who's there'. I started walking faster and suddenly a large white cat jumped out and startled me.

It walked towards me. I kneeled down "What brings you out in the rain. It's cold." I smiled and lifted the cat up "Come on let's get somewhere dry." He meowed softly and I started towards my house which was just a few blocks away. I got to the door and knocked. It opened and my mom was surprised "Oh Euna hurry up inside and are you holding a cat?" I walked inside and nodded "He was in the rain. Can I keep him?"

She thought for a moment and nodded "But you have to feed him and everything." I nodded and started drying him with a towel. "Do you want to stay with me?"

"Meow." I laughed slightly "I guess that means yes?" He rubbed his body on my legs purring. I smiled "Then I should give you a name. Hm, how about Taehui?" He meowed and rubbed against my leg again. I smiled "Alright your name is Taehui from now on." I pet him and my mom came up to me "So how'd it go with him. It didn't seem long and plus the extra minutes were probably you walking from there to here. Which would approximately-"

"It didn't go well, mom. He called me a slut and left while I was in the restroom." "Oh, I see." My mom looked down and smiled "Seems your little buddy fell asleep." I looked at him cuddling in between my legs. I smiled "I'm gonna go upstairs." She nodded and I picked Taehui up. "Let's go to my room." I placed him in my bed and changed into a random tee shirt and shorts.

My mom walked in. "I'm going shopping for litter and the stuff he needs. Tomorrow morning we have to sign papers for adopting a wild cat and he needs his shots." I nodded. "Well then Taehui. Seems like tomorrow will be a busy day huh." He meowed. I got in bed and he laid next to me. "Ok if you need to use the bathroom use that container right there."

He purred. I smiled and fell asleep.

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