Sick- Clinton Barton ×sick!reader

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I have been lacking in inspiration, but here I am now. 


Ding Dong

With a groan, you practically slide out of bed and crawl your way to the door, your limbs screaming with every move you make. Using the coat rack you weakly pull yourself to your feet and open the door. You lean on the doorway to support your tired, aching body.

To your surprise, standing in the hallway was Clint, holding a 'get well soon' balloon and basket. He was still in his mission suit and gear, his bow and arrows still strapped to his back.

"Clint?" You squeak, your voice hoarse from all the coughing , "what are you doing here?"

" What do you mean "what am I doing here"? My baby is sick and I've come to take care of them." Clint smiled, handing you the balloon as he pushes past you. Closing the door, you watch in confusion as Clint sets the basket on your coffee table and begins emptying the basket of it's goodies.

Laying out all the items you see all the things someone who was sick would need. For example: lozenges (cough drops), bottles of water, tea, chicken noodles soup, heating packs (heating pads), cough medicine, and lots of tissues.

Clint turns back to you, giving you another toothy smile before opening his arms for a hug. Unable to move without causing another dizzy spell you stand there frowning, trying to focus your blurry vision on your boyfriend.

Clint frowns, dropping his arms back to his side " what?"

"I-I thought you and...N-Natasha were on a....a...a mission?" You stutter, having a hard time thinking. Being sick put your brain in a daze, making it hard to do simple things like: pay attention or complete a sentence.

"Well we were, then Tony told me you were sick so I came home early." Clint shrugged.

"You finish the mission alone just to ......come take...come take care" You questioned, struggling to stay focused. You were starting to feel lightheaded and the world around you started to spin. Noticing you start to sway Clint makes his way over to you and swept you off your feet, carrying you to the bedroom as if you weighed nothing.

"She understands. Plus she was the one who told me to go." Clint placed you gently back into bed, tucking you in and kissing your forehead. " Nat is a big girl, she can handle it. Now you get some sleep, I'll be back."

Grinning, Clint starts for the door, but stops dead in his tracks when you begin to cough. You hold your throat and close your eyes, bracing yourself for the wave of pain that shot through your raw throat with every cough.

Running back to the living room, Clint picks up a water bottle and some cough medicine from the table and runs back to you. Handing you the water bottle, Clint opens the medicine and pours some in a medicine cup. Finishing the water you take the medicine, the liquid immediately soothing your throat. Clint sits on the edge of the bed rubbing your back.

Once your coughing is under control Clint pushes your shoulders until you were laying down. Taking off his shoes and gear Clint crawls into bed right next to you, pulling you to his side without a word. Getting comfortable he wraps his arms around you, locking you in his firm embrace. Automatically you snuggled into his side, your arms wrapped tightly around his torso, his warmth engulfing your whole body.

You laid in silence, enjoying being in each other's arms, your head resting on his chest. Soon you closed your eyes, the sound of Clint's steady heartbeat lulled you to sleep like a lullaby. But before you drift into a deep sleep you feel Clint place a gentle kiss on your head and can hear him whisper "I love you" in your ear.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Aug 03, 2017 ⏰

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