Fuck Buck (Ashley x Bucky Barnes smut)

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(A/N: The gif is from the movie The Bronze. Sebastian Stan is in it. I watched it. It's good. No shame. I had fun searching for this gif too. I found many, MANY more gifs to use in the future. *evil laughter*

Anyways, this is for ashmendes31. After all your threats and all cap text messages I have finished. You're welcome. You better get that swing ready because tonight we have a sparkly unicorn horn to use (she knows what I mean). I took a little longer with this one because someone ( *cough* *cough* ashmendes31*cough* *cough*) wanted a plot, which is kinda shit by the way, but whatever. Love you babe!

Side note: Bucky is naked. Don't ask why just is. MrsBieber_21 is next.

Summary: Ashley had been working with Bucky for a year now, helping him adjust and try to get his memories back. Over the year Ashley has developed a crush on the former assassin, but has kept it a secret because she fears Bucky doesn't feel the same. That is until one night, F.R.I.D.A.Y  informs Ashley Bucky is having a "nightmare" and Ashley hear/sees something she shouldn't...

WARNING: this is smut, duh. Y'all don't get a warning, so suck my ass!


"Ms. Ashley, there is a situation." F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice echos in Ashley's room.

"What is it, F.R.I.D.A.Y? I'm sleeping. What time is it? Can't it wait until morning?" Ashley whines, still half asleep. She sits up, trying to rub the sleep from her eyes.

"It is 11:30 pm, Miss. Sorry to wake you, but you asked me to inform you if something was wrong with Mr.Barnes. Well it appears that he is having another nightmare and is calling your name." That wakes Ashley up immediately. Ashley jumps out of bed, not bothering with her slippers, and rips her door open. She speeds down the hall, her bare feet padding against the cold hallway floor and stops at Bucky's room door, her heart pounding.

Ashley quietly opens the door and slips inside the dark room, closing the door gently behind her. Ashley turns to the bed, hearing heavy breathing and whimpering, and goes to call Bucky's name, but freezes when her eyes land on Bucky.

Ashley's jaw drops as she watches Bucky rub himself through the sheets, his eyes closed shut. Bucky lets out a shaky breath, his metal hand gripping the sheets tight as his hand moves.

Ashley squeezes her thighs together, the sight of a naked Bucky pleasuring himself in his sleep made her core ache, the noises coming from Bucky's mouth sends a chill down her spine. Ashley imagines herself on top of Bucky, him moaning and whimpering beneath her as she rides him like there was no tomorrow. Ashley shakes her head, trying to rid her mind of the dirty thoughts buzzing around in her mind, and closes her eyes.

She tries to focus on her breathing, trying to ignore the heavenly noises coming from Bucky, but it seemed impossible. Ashley feels her body ache for Bucky, every molecule of her being cried for her to just reach out and touch the sleeping soldier.

It took every bit of strength in Ashley to keep herself from ripping her clothes off and jumping on the bed. Ashley decides to leave before she lost control of her own body, and she turns to the door, but she hears Bucky moan a name. Her name.

Ashley spins around and stares at the former assassin in shock, the sweat on his forehead glistening in the moonlight that seeped through the blinds, and his face was scrunched up in pleasure. Bucky's bicep flexed as he worked himself hard and fast through his sheets. Ashley's heart starts to pound, a hot heat spreading between her legs as Bucky gasps " fuck Ashley".

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