Birthday -(Rick Flag x fem!reader)

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(A/N: I've been having writer's block all day, but I was able to write this so YAY!  Have a lot of ideas, but not enough time to write them. Update on my glasses: I got the new ones. Yay. Now I can actually see. Also thank you for 600 reads. It means a lot. Thank you for reading.

Gonna be doing some more Marvel soon.. 

Summery: The reader lives at Belle Reve finds out it is Rick's birthday and wants to do something special for him.

Takes place after the Suicide Squad movie and the squad is allowed to walk in and out of their cells.

WARNING: Language, spoilers for Suicide Squad I guess, 


 "(Y/N)!" Harley yells, her heels make a clicking noise against the floor as she run, shoving guards out of her way. The guards curse at her, picking themselves off the floor, but Harley keeps running, giving them the finger behind her back. She had to find (Y/N) and fast.

Harley makes a sharp turn around the corner, her heels scuffing the floor, and continues speeding down to hall. Hearing Harley scream her name, (Y/N) opens her bedroom door to see Harley charging towards her at top speed.

At the rate Harley was running she wasn't going to be able to stop it time. (Y/N)'s eyes widen, and she holds her hands out in front of her.

No, wait! Harley slo-" (Y/N) tries to warn her, but she is too late. Harley rams into (Y/N), both girls flying backwards and slams against the ground. Harley lands on top of (Y/N), her face hitting against (Y/N)'s collarbone and (Y/N)'s finger nails scratch Harley's shoulder.

"Harley, get your ass off of me."  (Y/N) groans, pushing Harley off her. Harley rolls to the side laying on the floor next to (Y/N), trying to catch her breath. Harley's legs, arms, and lungs burned, she really needs to work on her cardio. 

(Y/N) rolls over, pushing herself off the ground, and helps the panting Harley off the floor. 

"What the hell, Harley? That hurt. Why are you yelling my name? What is wrong?" (Y/N) frowns, dusting herself off. Harley smiles like an idiot.

"TODAY IS FLAG'S B-DAY!!!!" Harley exclaims, shaking (Y/N) by the shoulders. (Y/N) frowns.

"What? Today isn't Rick's Birthday, his birthday is on November 25 (I'm going by Joel  Kinnaman's real birthday, so just pretend it is November)." Harley smirks, raising an eyebrow at (Y/N).

"(Y/N), today is November 25." (Y/N)'s eyes almost pop out of her head. Oh shit! She had forgotten Rick's Birthday. She felt horrible. Rick brought (Y/N) a present on her birthday, and (Y/N) had promised to do the same on his birthday. (Y/N) had to do something before it was too late.

"Harley, go get the rest of the team, but not Rick. We're going to plan a last minutes birthday party. Oh, and if they don't want to come tell them I'll cut off their dicks and shove them up their asses if they don't." Harley nods, giving (Y/N) a playful 'Yes, Sir' before running back down to hall.


 60 minutes later

(Y/N) lets out a breath of relief as she puts the finishing touches on the cake, her clothes and face covered with cake batter and flour. Stepping away for the counter, (Y/N) cleans her face off, admiring the cake from a far. She looks at Chato.

"Well, what do you think?" Chato nods, smiling.

"It looks great. We did good." 

"Yep. Thank you for helping it bake faster." (Y/N) smiles, nodding, and takes off her apron. In the last hour (Y/N) and the rest of the team had been working hard to set up a last minute birthday party. Digger, Floyd, and KC worked on a small birthday banner, (Y/N) and Chato worked on the cake, While Harley kept Rick distracted. 

 (Y/N) and Chato carry the small cake into the sitting room to see a green banner sloppily hanging on a wall. It read "Happy B-day Dick", but the D was crossed out and a small R was drawn underneath. (Y/N) laughs, knowing she would get this with Digger making the banner and places the cake on a table.

"Nice job guys." (Y/N) smiles, patting Floyd on the shoulder. All of a sudden, Harley running into the room holding Rick's left shoe in her hands. 

"Quick, he's coming!"

The team stands still, waiting for Rick to come in. Harley stands by the light switch, turning the lights off. Soon a panting figure runs into the room, stopping in the dark. 

"Harley give me my shoe bac-" 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone screams and Harley turning on the lights, running over to the group. Rick jumps, his hand going for his gun on his waist, but stops when he sees everyone.

"What's all this?" Rick asks, giving the villains a suspicious look. (Y/N) laughs, running to Rick, jumpingb and wraps her arms around his neck.

"What do you think, stupid? It's a birthday party, for you." (Y/N) point to the green banner, smiling.

Rick reads it, chuckling and shakes his head. He turns to the group, who were still standing by the cake.

Floyd shrugs. "Oops. Happy birthday. Now come blow out the candle so we leave."

Chato holds out his flaming pointer finger, smirking at Rick. (Y/N) giggles, looking back at Rick.

"Sorry, didn't have a real candle." Rick laughs, shaking his head, and blow out Chato's finger. (Y/N) cheers, kissing Rick lips.

"What you wish for?"

"For another kiss." Rick gives (Y/N) a cheeky smirk. (Y/N) rolls her eyes.

"You're such a dork. But since its your birthday." (Y/N) gives Rick a long, passionate kiss, Rick pulling her body as close as he could. He didn't wanted to let go, but Digger's voice ruined the moment.

"Ew, get a room. And the cake tastes good."

Rick and (Y/N) look back at the group to see everyone walking out with a slice of cake.

"Wait Harley, give me my-" Rick cuts himself cut as Harley throws his shoe, hitting Rick on the hip. (Y/N) giggles at Rick, but she stops when she sees only a little slice of cake left. (Y/N) shakes her head, and Rick laughs, smiling happily.

"Why are you so happy? You have no caked left." (Y/N) asks, raising a brow.

"I don't need cake, I've got something sweeter. I've got you." Rick gives (Y/N)'s ass a squeeze. (Y/N) smirks and starts pulling Rick to her room.

"Come on, Rick. It's time for your present."

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