Magical Fingers- (Cisco Ramon x fem!reader)

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(A/N: I updated twice on the same day! Yay! Also the reader is female again. I'm am sorry its not gender neutral. I tend to write a lot faster using a gender. And sorry to all the males reader as well. Being as I am a female, I haven't written anything for males and I am a little nervous about that. I promise later on I will try too, but for right now I'm going to stick to females and Gender neutral.

I got this idea during season one and actually wrote it during season two. This is about Cisco's hair. I love Carlos' hair so much, it gives me life. If he ever cut it I would cry.

The shampoos and conditioners names I made up.

Next is Eobard Thawne......)


"Woah! (Y/N), slow down! What the rush?" Cisco exclaims as (Y/N) almost drags him up the stairs and down the hall, a huge smile on her face as she waits in front of Cisco's apartment door. (Y/N) couldn't help, but be excited. After waiting all day, it was finally time to go home and wash Cisco's hair.

Yesterday (Y/N) caught Cisco eating her ice cream she had hid in the back of the freezer, behind Caitlin's salad, and, to save himself from being punched, Cisco made a deal with (Y/N). He would let her play with his hair, if she promised not to hit him.

It was a strange deal, but Cisco knew how much (Y/N) liked his hair, and would do anything to avoid being hit. (Y/N) may not look that strong, but looks can be deceiving. (Y/N) hit just as hard as Barry, maybe even harder.

"Hurry up Cisco! We're wasting daylight!" Cisco smiles at (Y/N)'s excitement, unlocking the door and holds it open for (Y/N), stumbling forward when (Y/N) runs past him. (Y/N) throws off her coat, zipping to the kitchen, and dumps her bag out into the sink. She turns to Cisco.

"You go take a shower and change into something more comfortable, while I set up. Don't wash your hair! Leave that to me." (Y/N) orders him with her bright smile that takes Cisco's breath away every time he sees it.

Cisco nods, giving her a "Yes, Sir" making her laugh, and go to take a shower with the sound of (Y/N)'s laughter replaying in his head.


30 minutes later

Cisco leans on the doorframe in a graphic tee and some old shorts, watching silently as (Y/N) pulls a chair over, leaning the back of it against the sink. (Y/N) had a vast variety of shampoos and conditioners lined up on the kitchen table, all her combs and brushes in front of them.

She had a huge stack of different color towels in a chair next to the table, and her wrists were covered with multicolored hair ties. (Y/N) was prepared for anything. She had went all out. She had everything she need, and more.

Cisco watches (Y/N) closely as she takes two towels from the stack and puts them on the chair, one hanging on the top of the chair into the sink and the other on the seat. (Y/N) had her back to Cisco, humming a random tune as she worked.

(Y/N) wanted to make sure everything was perfect. (Y/N) smiles, her hands on her hips as she admires her work, and looks down at her watch. (Y/N) turns to the door to call for Cisco, but yelps when she sees him standing there, startling him out his trance.

"Lord, Cisco! Don't scare me like that! I almost crapped myself." (Y/N) giggles, a hand over her heart. "Okay, everything is ready. Come. Sit down." She pulled Cisco over and sits him down on the chair. She lays his head on the towel behind him and wraps the other towel around his neck, using a hair tie to keep it in place.

(Y/N) turns on the water, checking it temperature before beginning to wet Cisco's hair. Cisco moans in pleasure as (Y/N) runs her small fingers through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp. (Y/N) smiles as she feels Cisco relax under her fingertips, making sure she gets every knot and tangle with her fingers.

(Y/N) removes her finger from Cisco's hair, getting a small whimper of protest from Cisco, and moves to the table, looking at all the shampoo to choose from. She taps her chin.

"Hmm... what should I do first? Beach Breeze or Flower Sunrise? What do you think?" (Y/N) turns to Cisco, his eyes still closed as he shrugs.

"I don't know, whatever you want." Cisco answers breathy. (Y/N) takes a few moments to admire Cisco's relaxed face, liking how at peace he looked, before just grabbing a bottle and squirting it into her hands.

(Y/N) messages Cisco's scalp, really working the shampoo in his hair and all the way to his roots. Cisco sighs, loving how well (Y/N)'s fingers felt in his hair. (Y/N)'s fingers felt magical. They were small and soft, really able to scrub his scalp well, almost putting Cisco to sleep.

(Y/N) rinsed Cisco's hair, then picked her favorite conditioner on next, Pineapple Mangos. She squirts it into her hands and scrubs it into his hair, enjoying its wonderful smell. (Y/N) begins to brush Cisco's hair with one for her soft brushes to remove knots and tangles, earning a strangle noise from Cisco. (Y/N) stops.

"Did I hurt you? Are you okay? Was I too hard?" (Y/N) asks worried, removing her hands from his hair.

"No!" Cisco exclaims, opening his eyes and grabbing (Y/N)'s wrists, making her jump. (Y/N) raises her eyebrows.

"Uh, I mean, no. Don't stop. It feels...nice. Please, don't stop." Cisco asks timidly, letting go of (Y/N)'s wrists. His face and neck felt like they were on fire, a little embarrassed for sounding so desperate. He just really enjoyed (Y/N) washing his hair. It's never felt this good before.

(Y/N) smiled, gigging at Cisco's red cheeks, and go back to massaging his head. Cisco lets out a sigh, closing his eyes again, grinning a bit.

"You know, (Y/N), this feels amazing. I will be asking you to do this again sometimes." (Y/N) laughs, giving him a toothy smile, nodding her head.

"I can't wait."

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