The Room pt 2(Avengers)

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(A/N: This is part 2, duh.  The picture is an all the characters favorite candy. It will make more sense in part 3. I'm not feeling to good right now so. Whatever. Also each part is going to be short because fuck it. That's why. I sound like an ass right now. Shit sorry. 

Also Thank you fangirlsarethebestxx, for putting up with my shit. Me messaging you  ranting and complaining about rain. 

Enjoy, Bitches. 

Agent Ghosty- Mari-chan028

Agent Galaxy- Me

Agent Zodiac- ashmendes31   (Side note: bitch you haven't told me what you think yet. like whats good. okay love you. <3)

Agent Cocoa- MrsBieber_21  (im reading your shit. I like it. keep it up.)

Agent Cruz- allthosebeliebers 

oh yeah WARNING: language (no shit) and i don't know what else. 


After the debriefing Natasha, Galaxy, and Ghosty kind of disappeared, not seen anywhere in the Tower. Not even J.A.R.V.I.S was able to find them. The really suspicious part was all the food seemed disappear as well.

"Where the hell are my gummy bears!? Cocoa, DID YOU FAT ASS EAT MY GUMMY BEARS!?" Zodiac yells slamming the cabinet door, startling Cruz, turning to scowl at Cocoa. Cocoa looks at her.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you yellin at. I didn't eat your damn gummy bears. Calm the fuck down. You can always buy more." Cocoa says calmly, looking back down to her phone.

Zodiac snorts, her lips pulled up into a smirk.  " Your sour patch kids are gone too." 

Cocoa stands up abruptly, her chair falling backwards, hitting the floor with a loud bang. Cruz gets up and walks into the kitchen, searching the cabinet for her Mike and Ikes. They were gone too.

"Oh hell no! Who the fuck took my sour patch kids?! When I find them I will be cutting off some balls!"

"Calm down, Cocoa. We took them. All of them." Natasha says, walking into the kitchen with Ghosty and Galaxy following behind her. 

"What?!" Zodiac and Cocoa say in unison, Cocoa mumbling under her breath as she pulls out her  machete from behind her back. 

"Wait! Before people start cutting people, let us explain." Galaxy asks, pushing Cocoa's machete down. 

"Fine," Cocoa growls, still glaring at Natasha. "but you better hurry up."

Galaxy lets out a sign of relief.

"Okay, we took all the food, pillows, and blankets to the Room."

Zodiac, Cocoa, and Cruz give each other confused glances. "The what? Bitch what the fuck is "the Room"?" 

"The Room is where we going once every month. It's a little treat for us for our hard work." Natasha explains,  Ghosty and Galaxy smiling mischievously. The three girl look at them like they're crazy.

"So, the room is like, what, a Red Room of Pain?" Zodiac asks, raising an eyebrow. Cruz and Cocoa's eyes widen. Galaxy looks at them in horror.

"What? No! That's not- it's not a- oh forget! Lets just show them." Galaxy signs, looking at Natasha and Ghosty for help. They both nod, turning and walking out. 

"Follow us." Natasha gestures for the rest to follow, them exchange confused looks before following them out. Zodiac crosses her arms.

"You better not be leading us into some murder room. Because I will be dragging you all to hell with me." She warns, Galaxy rolls her eyes, Ghosty giggling.

"No Zodiac, we aren't leading you to a murder room. You'll like it, I promise."

"Mhmm. I better."

They walked down 8 flights of stairs, Cocoa and Zodiac giving up halfway making Galaxy drag them the rest of the way, and stop in front of a wall on one of the extra floors. Zodiac glares at three women.

"Um.. Its a wall. You had us walk all the way the hell here to see a fuckin' wall? If I wanted to see a wall I would have stayed up stairs!" Galaxy raises a brow.

"Actually, I dragged your heavy asses here. You're welcome by the way."

Cocoa reaches for her machete again, Zodiac's eyes glare at the woman hard, but Cruz just looks at them confused. Cruz was the calmest out of the tree.

 Ghosty just smirks and nods her head, Galaxy hitting the wall with her elbow. The wall unlocks and slid open, revealing a dark room. A cold wind blows out the room, blowing everyone's hair a little. 

Cocoa, Cruz, and Zodiac stare at the pitch black room in shock. Nat, Ghosty, and Galaxy all laugh and walk into the dark room. The girls look at each other.

"Um," Cocoa calls in, " I'm not walking into no pitch black room. Fuck this. I'm going back up stair." Cocoa, Zodiac, and Cruz all turn to walk back upstairs. 

"There is food in here." Ghosty calls from inside the room. Cocoa and Zodiac stop, and runs back to the room, shoving each other to get through the door first. Cruz walks back, sighing and shaking her head.

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