Give it a Little Smack- (Wally West (Kid Flash x reader))

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A/N: Yo everybody! Just wanted to say I am proud to say we have reached  over 3,000 reads! YAY! Thank you so much everyone, I couldn't have done it without all of you.

Anywho, this one is about Wally (duh), and it's about butts. It's about booty, about ass, a big ass, the reader's ass. IRIS IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!!!

Training with Barry, Wally gets hurt and you end up having to pull small pieces of glass out his leg. Not being able to give Wally anything for the pain, he feels everything and you use the closest thing to you to distract him.... 

Warning: if you don't like booty then don't watch the video above ( it was what I listened to while I wrote this), Flash spoilers, mention of "smacking it", the uses of the word ass, and I can't remember the rest


"Wally, stop moving..." You sigh, slowly pulling a tiny pieces of glass from his wound. Wally had been working on his speed with Barry when he accidentally fell into a huge pile of glass bottles. You had no idea how it happened, but here you were pulling pieces of glass out Wally's leg with a pair of tweezers. You had to move fast before Wally's leg started healing with glass still in it. 

Wally groaned, gripping the side of the bed, his face scrunched up in pain. You felt bad for Wally, because of his speed you couldn't give him anything to numb the pain, so he just had to lay there and take it. You tried to work as fast as possible without causing him any more discomfort, it wasn't going so well.

"Ahh!" Wally exclaims as you attempt to get a another piece of bottle. This one was in deep and you knew it was going to hurt. You winced.

"Sorry..." you mumble, trying to be as gently as you could. Cisco and HR stood by Wally's side and tried to distract him the best they could, telling him his training was going great and how fast he was getting, but the deeper shards of glass got the less it worked. 

It got to the point where they started telling Wally random facts, desperately trying to hold Wally attention. Finally, annoyed by their rambling, Wally tells Cisco and Hr to stop.

"Guys, thank you.... for trying...but just shut up...please..." Wally pants, giving them a weak smile. 

"Almost done Wally, just these last few pieces are really in there." You frown. You must have pushed your tweezers in too deep because Wally let's out a small yelp and grabs your forearm, squeezing it tight.

"Oh sorry!' You apologized and tried to pull your arm out of Wally's grasp, but he only held tighter. Glancing up at him,  your heart broke at the sight of him. He was sweating and hid eyes were squeezed shut. You didn't want him to let go of your arm, you wanted to comfort him, but he was starting to hurt your arm. 

You pry Wally's hand off your arm and place it somewhere Wally could squeezes without hurting you. Your ass. Wally's eyes fly open and he sat up quickly. You jump at his sudden movement.

"Wally! What are you doing? Lay back down!" You order, pushing him back down. Wally looks between his hand on your ass to your face, his eyes wide. 

"(Y/N), w-wwhat are you doing?" Wally stuttered. You frown.

"What do you mean? You were hurting my arm, so I'll let you squeeze somewhere it won't hurt so much." You shrug. Out the corner of your eye you see Caitlin pick up a pair of tweezers and go to work on Wally's leg. Wally just stared at you, not even noticing as Caitlin pulls out pieces of glass from his leg. That gave you idea.

You give Wally an innocent grin. " Oh come on Wally, relax. It's just my ass, it's not like you haven't touched it before." 

Wally smiles sheepishly, glancing behind you at everyone, clearly embarrassed. You glances at Caitlin seeing her gesturing for you to keep going.

"Come on Wally, give it a little smack." You give your butt a little shake, smirking. You try not to laugh at the look on Wally's face. It was a mixture of pure shock and embarrassment.


"You heard me, give it a little smack. Come on..." You smirk, giving your ass a little tap. Wally couldn't believe his ears. You never acted like this in front of everyone before, it was always in private. It puzzled Wally, he almost didn't know how to respond. Key word being: almost.

Wally gave your ass a little awkward tap, the tip of his ears turning a fanit red. You rolled your eyes and turned to Iris behind you.

"Iris, come show your baby bro how to smack an ass." You teased, sticking your ass out a little. Laughing, Iris gave your ass a good hit, her hand making a slap sound once it came in contact with your butt. 

"Yeah!" You cheer, "That's how you do it! Now that was a smack! Okay Wally your turn!" You turn around and poke your butt out to him. Wally just stares at you, still in shock. 

"And done!" Caitlin exclaims, grabbing everyone's attention. She had finished picking out the glass from Wally's wound, cleaned, and wrapped his leg all without him noticing.

"Wait you're done?" Wally asked, surprised.

"Yep, thanks to (Y/N) for distracting you I was able to getting the glass out your leg." Caitlin smiled, taking off her gloves.

"So that's why you did all that. Too distract me." Wally laughs. You nod.

"Yep! Don't thank me, thank the power of my ass." You smiles, kissing Wally on the cheek.

"Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to my job." You smile, fist bumping Iris before walking to the door. You stop in the doorway and turn back to Wally.

"Oh and Wally, hurry up and heal will you? I have to teach you how to smack an ass." You wink, blowing him a kiss before disappearing into the hallway.

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