Please Stay- (Hulk x reader, Bruce x reader)

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(A/N: I'm not okay. I started tearing up as I wrote this. Get your tissues ready.
Warning: sad, reader death, hulk tears (also the reader is a telepath) 


The world around Hulk became a blur as he watched a building crumble on top of you, the sound of your voice echoing in his head. 'I love you'  was the last thing he heard you say before you disappear under debris and a cloud of dust. 

Hulk doesn't move as the dust cloud disappear revealing a huge pile of debris directly on top of the place you previously stood. In the back of Hulk's head Bruce screamed for him to save you and Hulk springs into action.  Hulk shoots up into the air like a bullet and lands right in front of the rubble with ease.

Hulk grabs pieces of building and metal, and throws it over his shoulder, searching  for any sign of you. He keeps digging until he finds a little hand sticking out from under a piece of wall. Moving it Hulk finds you lying unconscious on the ground. Yoy were covered in dirt and blood, and had a huge metal pipe going straight through your torso.

  Dropping to his knees Hulk leans over you and rubs his large finger on your cheek. Slowly you open your eyes and smiles weakly up at Hulk, leaning into his touch.  Looking in his big green eyes you saw them full of worry and fear.

"Hey Big Guy, you found me. I'm so proud of you. " You say softly, your eyes tearing up. You slowly reach your shaking hands up and place them on the sides of Hulk's face, you feel his smooth skin under your fingertips. Tears runs down your cheeks as you look Hulk's face over. You wanted every feature permanently burned into your brain, so you could remember them all in heaven.

"God, look at you. So handsome. Look at my handsome man." You smile, using your thumb to wipe away a tear that fell from Hulk's eyes. You begin to cough, having a hard time breath, and pain shot through your torso. You wince, trying to calm yourself down. Hulk leans closer to you worried, his breath warming your cold cheeks. You shake your head.

"It's okay. I'll be alright, okay Big Guy? I'm alright."

You could hear Bruce screaming in Hulk's head to let him out, for him to let him help you. You knew there was nothing Bruce could do to help, you could feel yourself slipping into the darkness.

Using the last bit if strength you have you pull Hulk's head closer and kiss his forehand. With a small warm flash you were surrounded by black, except for one lite spot in front of you, where Bruce stood.  "Bruce..." You call out, making him spin around to face you. 

"(Y/N)?" Bruce runs to you in shock, grabbing both of your hands. "What are you doing in here? You need to be saving your strength, so I can get out and sav-"

"Bruce," You cut him off, stepping closer to him. " you can't save me. It is my time."

Bruce shook his head, moving his hands up to grip your shoulders. "No, don't say that. It is not your time, I'm going help you."

You shook your head. "No, Bruce, my time is already here. I can feel the gods above pulling me home."

"No! No, this is your home, I'm your home. Me and the rest of the team, we are your home. You belong here, with us, with me. You can't leave me. I won't let you." Bruce cries, tightening his grip on you. Bruce couldn't loss you, you were his everything. You made his life a thousand times better.

"Bruce, I'm not leaving you. I will always be with you. In here." You place a hand on Bruce's chest, over his heart. 

"(Y/N)...please...." Bruce begged, not bothering to wipe away his tears.

"Bruce, I can not stay. I have fulfilled my purpose here on Earth and now it is my time to move on to the next world. But just know I will alway treasure the moments we had together for eternity. I pray my personal heaven will be one of the beautiful moments we have shared together, so I can relive it forever.

"Maybe, if the gods permit it, you can come and visit me in your dreams. Every night we can walk in the gardens and you can tell me about your day until morning. Do not worry my love, we will not be apart forever. When it is your time you will join me in the afterlife, where we can spend eternity together."

Bruce knew you were right, he couldn't stay you. Wrapping his arms around your waist he pulls you close to him, not wanting to ever let go.

"I love you..." Bruce whispered, leaning his forehead against yours.

"I love you, Robert Bruce Banner. I love you both." You smile gently, giving Bruce a tender, loving kiss before fading away.

Back outside Hulk sits on the ground rocking back and forth, cradling your lifeless body in his arms. 

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