Chapter 34: If Only

Start from the beginning

Looking at the dimming sky, an evil grin made its way onto her pale face. She didn't want her most worthy competition to missing from the events.

Yes, she had already evaluated every single participant, but he was a hard one to gauge. That was how she knew he was probably on the same level -- and though she hated to admit it -- or possibly better than her.

Though she was going to wake him, she wasn't going to do it nicely. Moving closer, she  saw an invisible forcefield surrounding him. Reaching towards it, she muttered a string of spells under her breath before two tiny, gold magic circles lit up. One in her left eye, one floating under her palm and just barely above the forcefield. It scanned the forcefield, and some numbers popped up before Lucy. Of course, only she could see them as she had activated the magic circle -- and the one in her eye, duh.

The levels were how powerful the magic ability was. The numbers were how powerful the attributes of the magic ability were. The bigger the number, the more powerful it is. Each attribute belongs in different categories and subcategories, along with just the skill level of the attribute in general -- which was, the closer the letter was to A, the more powerful it was in general.

'Meneille-type forcefield, Level 34, Subcategory 5B. Defense 82-1097, skill G. Counterattack 387-2983, skill L. Stealth 48-2938, skill X. Detection 03-6255, skill A...'

She stopped short, panicking. Could he detect her? Probably not, right? She quickly scanned her own arm.

'Diuries-type stealth, Level 35, Subcategory 2A. Defense 82-1098, skill G. Counterattack 387-2984, skill L. Stealth 48-2939, skill X. Detection 02-948, skill A.'

She exhaled, relaxing. Just barely. Her stealth and defense stats were higher than his, but just barely. An evil smirk found it's way into her face once again.
However, this time it was slightly hesitant. One tiny mistake on her part and his dragon slayer senses would pick it up. But... he was just a mere fire dragon slayer... right?


She tried quite a few things. She lit up the area with black fire; he was utterly immune. She encased him in eternal ice; he turned into fire, rolled around, but didn't wake up. She cracked the earth underneath him; he floated, and wasn't affected at all. After a few more tries, she decided to use her last resort.

Natsu Dragneel bolted straight up when a stream of celestial magic hit him in the face. He looked around, immediately reminded of Lucy. Looking around, he saw no one but a cloaked figure... who was chuckling coldly, something he found out courtesy of his dragon senses.

He could barely make out the figure even with his enhanced sight, so he figured that the person was probably using some kind of magic at the same or a higher level than his.

He activated a glowing red magic circle in his right eye, hoping to figure out who the person was, only to come upon one he hated.

"You're the leader of the Eternalis." A growl accompanied his message.

"Yes, Natsu Dragneel, but why do you think so?" The girl/lady -- he was unsure of her age -- questioned in a cold, stiff tone, matching her cold, almost satanic chuckles from a while earlier.

"Who are you?" Was the only response she caught. Along with a flash of red Aurora barely saw, Natsu Dragneel now knew her name. He didn't miss a beat before spitting out the words.

"Aurora Emerita."

He was confused and frustrated. Why couldn't he get more information on the girl? After doing his scan, he had realized her stealth was at a higher level that the forcefield that he had set up subconsciously, but not at a level higher than the telescopic vision he had willed himself to activate. However, he still couldn't get anymore than her name, so he figured that her original stealth cover must've been subconscious as well, but now that she figured that Natsu was scanning her, she put up her strongest wall. Usually, when Natsu scanned people, their name, age, favorites, residence, relationships -- and much more, would pop up around them.

Like only Natsu could see them though, because he has the magic circle activated.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by Aurora's voice.

"Why are you here?"

"Why should I tell you...?"

The girl sighed. Her never wavered, never softening, staying diamond stiff, which didn't fit well with her choice of words.

"I'm pretty good at detecting emotions. If you need so,done to talk to, you can talk to me."

He didn't know what spurred him to do it; maybe it was just the comfort he got from just being around her, but he let it all out. All the emotions he had kept bottled up over the years for the sake of his brothers, all the secrets that he had locked away, and all the pain he held deep within.

She didn't know what kept her there; maybe it was just the comfort she got from just being around him, but she stayed and listened, not exactly something the Lucy of now -- the cold, icy, diamond-covered-stone-hearted Aurora -- would be caught doing in a daily basis, especially with her worst enemy.

"She was my best friend," Natsu started, and Aurora nodded, urging him to continue. "She was my best friend, and she she could've been so much more if only I hadn't let her go. She was scarred from the past, and though I had sworn to protect her future, I couldn't even save the present. I lost the love of my life because I was blinded by a childhood fantasy. An illusion of true love that kept me from seeing reality. I had promised to be her family when her real one had left her, but in the end, I didn't. I left her just like they did, but it was probably so much harder for her. To know that the one that had promised to be her new family, was alive, but not with her, probably would've been killing her inside. She was so strong, physically, mentally, physiologically, emotionally; so beautiful, both inside and out, and just... amazing in every way. She wasn't perfect, but she was for me. If only I had realized it sooner..." the pink haired dragon slayer buried his head in his hands, unaware of the confused gaze being sent his way. "If only I hadn't let her go, she might've still been here, still with me, still alive..." he stood up, and brushed off the nonexistent dirt from his cloak, and Aurora followed suit, silently questioning. "For she was Lucy Heartfilia, and she was my mate."

Silence. It was all you could hear, as someone -- cough, cough, Aurora -- stopped time in shock and rage. And then, the whole world burst into flames and they all died.

No, no, no. That's not what happened. This is what did.

Aurora was furious. Rage broiled in her eyes, and this time, Natsu saw it. And he was very, very confused. Where had the nice -- at least, nice enough -- girl he had been talking to a moment ago gone?

"You liar." The black-cloak clad girl whispered, but Natsu still caught it. "How dare you say you love her? How dare you say that, after what you've done?

... Do you have any right to?"

And with those words, Aurora vanished in a shower of golden sparkles,leaving behind a very, very, very, confused and slightly infuriated Natsu.

And this time, their thoughts were coordinated.

'Watch out, Natsu Dragneel/Aurora Emerita. I'm going to win these Games, just you watch me!'


The Thames is yellow! I'm looking at it right now, and I wanna cry. Why is it so yellow?

The Seine was so nice, and blue, and pretty, with nice footbridges and neatly organized buildings in the same architectural style in either side.

London -- the Thames -- is so different, in my opinion. There's a billion different styles here -- it looks cool, but it looks kinda messy too.

Yesterday, I overheard someone saying that the Thames is "like the western equivalent of the Huang Pu River in Shanghai." Lol.

Can any of you guess where I am? 😂

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