However, Tony broke his promise to his daughter. He ended up staying downstairs until a little past 1 o'clock in the morning and when he got upstairs to say goodnight to her, she was already fast asleep.

The next morning her alarm woke her up at 6:30 a.m. She really didn't feel like getting up, but she did anyway. It took her 30 minutes to get dressed, brush her hair, and make herself look presentable. She headed downstairs, her father still asleep. Riley would discover that in the next few weeks their schedule will have flip-flopped. Her father would be the one waking up at 10 and Riley would be the one waking up early.

She skipped breakfast and then Happy drove her to school. Her father had a business meeting at 3 o'clock, so no one could pick her up. She decided to just stay after school until the meeting was over. Before she knew it, the day was halfway over and it was lunch. All of her classes had been fairly challenging that day, but she still understood them. It was just a lot of information to take in.

Once again in the cafeteria, she sat with the Queen Bees. Alice asked her, "How come you left with Parker yesterday? Please tell me you aren't a nerd."

"We found out we had the same roster and he gave me a small tour around the school," Riley said. "Nothing else happened, you have nothing to worry about."

"Okay," Alice said. "There's a Student Council meeting today, and I expect you guys to be there. Even you, Riley."

"Why me?" Riley asked. She didn't mind staying after school because she had to anyway. But, it was just weird how she was guaranteed a spot on Student Council just for being a Queen Bee.

"Because you deserve it," Liz said. "You know, being a Queen Bee isn't all fun and games, it's serious. You have to maintain your image, grades, and your social life."

Riley guessed she had interpreted it wrong. Being a Queen Bee was pretty serious. "Thanks, so I guess I deserved this spot at the table?"

"Yup," Alice said. "And don't make me regret it."

Halfway through lunch, she made it over to Peter's table, where the same four people were there. Michelle, Ned, Peter, and Anastasia. "Ugh, it's you again? You must be pretty stubborn," Anastasia said.

"I could say the same about you. But, a little stubbornness is good once in a while," Riley said, trying to compliment her, knowing it probably won't change anything.

Anastasia sighed. "Fine, sit down. There's no use in trying to make you go away, you're too nice to people."

"Thank you?" Riley said, taking a seat between Ned and Michelle once again.

"That was a compliment in Anastasia world," Peter said, laughing a little. Riley could tell Peter was a little more comfortable around Anastasia. Riley guessed it was just his best friend giving him moral support.

Michelle, who was taking a nap had just woken up from the sounds of laughter around the table. "Oh, hey, it's the new girl again. What's up?"

"Nothing really," Riley said. "How about you?"

"I didn't really care what was up with you but as you could tell I was in the middle of a nap and you guys interrupted it. I'm going to go away now and sleep in the library," Michelle said, grabbing her bag and heading out of the lunchroom.

"What's her deal?" Peter asked, looking at her as she walked away.

"I have no clue, she's been acting really tired all day, probably just some typical high school procrastination problems," Ned said, shrugging.

"If I was her, I'd probably go into hibernation mode. I'm usually up until like 1 every night, but last night I went to sleep at 10, I was so tired," Riley says. Peter immediately thinks about the night they had spent together. Was that what made her so tired?

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