The guards opened his cell and pushed him in, he turned around and still refused to look at me. He held his wrists out for the cuffs to be removed. I took a step forward to go in with him but he just turned his back and pulled his own door shut as he went in.

"Sorry, Chloe" The guards said as they walked away from the cell. I stood there staring at the metal door, before I realised tears were once again falling down my face.

I wanted to go in there and hold him, I wanted him to hold me. I wanted to feel the warmth of his chest, hear the strong thud of his heartbeat and feel the softness of his lips on mine. I wiped my cheeks and felt anger suddenly replace the hurt and sadness.

I walked away from the cell and pulled my lanyard out of my bag, letting myself out the unit. I stormed through the back of the main reception and made my way to Dad's office. I slammed the door open, Dad was stood by his desk, his hands rest on top as he looked at me stood in the doorway. I was breathing heavy; the anger was almost burning as I looked at him. He was clearly expecting this as he stood there smiling cruelly at me, I could hear the blood rushing through my ears.

I walked in and again slammed the door behind me, I couldn't find the right words to put across my hatred for him. I couldn't express how much of a disgusting person he was, how cruel and twisted he was. I stormed over to the desk, my anger driving me towards him. I reached the desk, my thighs hitting the edge as I came face to face with him. He leant forwards so his nose was almost touching mine. I could see the evil happiness in his eyes as I looked at him.

I suddenly bust out laughing at him, taking us both by surprise. The smirk on his face never faltered as he remained in place, he took a deep breath "How can I help you, Chloe"

I shook my head and spat directly in the middle of his face before slapping him so hard he stumbled to the side. I stood straight and watched as he finally stood up, rubbing the side of his face as he did. This time I could see my anger reflected in his face, He pushed the desk to the side and pushed me to the back wall, his wrist firm pressed against my cheeks squeezing them tight.

"This is the last time you disrespect me" He spat as he spoke through gritted teeth

I shoved him off me "So this is why you stopped me going in?! Because I hurt your precious ego?"

I watched as he turned his back and moved his desk back in place. He sat down at his desk and put his feet on it "You disrespect me and I'm going to let you get away with nothing?"

"You're sick" I spat on the floor and rubbed my foot over it. Looking at him as I turned my nose up and left his office leaving the door open as I went. A few of the guards had stopped and watched as I left, the looked away and carried on walking when I looked at them.

I went back into the death row unit and fobbed myself into Oliver's cell. He was sat on the bed with his head rest on the wall, he looked at me in the corner of his eye and saw him roll them. I slammed the door behind me, I rubbed my cheeks from where Dad had grabbed them.

I rest my back against the door and let out a long sigh. I took my coat off and chucked it on the chair "You've got to talk to me at some point" I sighed

He looked at me then, his eyes were red and I finally realised what the verdict of the hearing was. I could feel my knees begin to shake and I willed them to keep me stood up, my chest suddenly felt tight as I looked at him. Our last hope had gone, his last chance to get out was gone.

"Oliver" My voice was shaky as I spoke "Please, I had no choice"

I held my wrists out to him, showing him the marks left from the handcuffs, the wounds bruising around the edges. He looked at my wrists and broke down then, he put his head in his hands and I watched as he sobbed into them. I waked over and sat beside him, I placed my hand on his back and pulled him into me. He looked up and wiped his eyes before taking my hands in his and looking at the marks in my wrists "I'm sorry He said quietly "I thought you had lied to me, I thought you had broken your promise"

"I would never!" I cupped his face in mine, tears now falling again "I tried to get out, I tried to be there"

"They rejected it" He whispered, his face screwing up with hurt as he said this to me "And they moved it forward"

"What?" I gasped, my chest tightening further as he said this

"April nineteenth" He sniffed "The day after my birthday"

I didn't know what to say, I had no words. All I felt was sadness as I sat there and heard this, I felt pain in my chest similar to that of when I caught Ashton in bed with that whore. I swallowed hard, trying to push the lump down to no avail. My eyes stung with the tears as they fell, I felt gut wrenching sadness and seething anger. I ran my hand down my face, I couldn't find the words that I felt I needed to say.

I just pressed my forehead to his and we both sat there in silence, both of us crying. He took my hands in his again and turned them over, looking at the cuts around them "You're getting hurt because of me"

"No!" I said firmly "I'm hurt because I stood up to my Dad"

He looked at me and pointed to my face "He do that too?"

I felt my cheeks where Dad had grabbed and could feel slight bruising "It doesn't matter"

"Chloe" He whispered "I don't want you getting hurt because of me"

"I don't care" I shook my head "Leaving you at the end is going to hurt, it's going to hurt more than I can ever prepare myself for. But I accepted this job, I took this job on. I didn't expect this to happen. I didn't plan to fall hard and fast for you, I didn't plan to imagine what our lives would be like outside this place. I didn't plan to let myself gain any feelings other than professional one's for you" I broke down, not able to control what I was saying "I'm not saying I'm hopelessly in love with you but I want you, god, I want you so bad you have no idea"

I sniffed "It's so wrong but you're right when you tell me it feels so, so right" I closed my eyes and squeezed his hand "I want more for us, I always want more for us. I want to walk out of this cell with your hand in mine... I want to call you mine"

I let the sobs overtake my words as I slumped onto him, the pain in my chest getting the better of me. I couldn't stop myself, I couldn't stop the words from leaving my mouth, I couldn't stop the sobs that left me as I laid there in his arms. I felt so safe in them, I felt like nothing could touch us when we were like this.

He sighed and I felt him wipe his own face before pushing me up, a small smile on his face "See, we're finally on the same page"

"What?" I was confused at what he meant

"We finally agree on something" He whispered, running his thumb over my lips "We're so hopelessly screwed in our own fucked up reality of a Shakespeare play"

"That we are" I sighed and held his hand that rest on my cheek "Hopelessly screwed"

ConvictOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora