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- B L A I R E -

11.19.16 // 7:43 a.m.

MY BODY IS too sore. Everything hurts; every movement, every breath, every blink, it is all too much to handle. My hands grip the bedsheets below me as another wave of pain flashed through me and I'm finding out that I cannot breathe properly.

I stare up at the creme colored ceiling above my head as another bead of sweat rolls down my forehead and lands in my eye. The pain that once burned like a fire has now faded into a cold numbness that spreads throughout my whole body. Black fills the edges of my vision and the only thing I can hear is the quick sound of my thumping heart.

There are too many voices around me and hot hands run up my burning, bare legs. T's face is a blur above me as he continues to kiss up my neck. I am shaking. Every bone in my body feels as if it has turned to solid ice. T pulls back and examines me with caution.

"I think you might be getting sick, Rose," he frowns as he takes his hand and places it on my forehead. "You have a fever."

     "Stop touching me," I cough and his frown deepens as he smoothes down my hair.

"Maybe you need to eat? Or do you need sleep? What do you need, Rose?" He asks sincerely, batting his long eyelashes. I slow down my breathing and count backward in my head.


"I need you to get away from me," I whisper and he drops his head onto my lap.

"When will you learn, Rose? We are lovers, stop pushing me away." He rubs his nose along the length of my arm and I try to wiggle away, but my body feels as if it is being weighed down by a boulder.

      "Please, just stop." He blinks up at me before smiling sadly.

      "Do you want to know a secret?" He asks and I look down at him. "I'm feeling generous today. Generous enough to tell you a bedtime story. Do you want to hear it, Rose?"

I nod my head slowly and he smiles before standing up and grabbing one of his chairs. He plops down into it and places his feet on the edge of the bed.

       "Once upon a time, there was a young girl. She had beautiful blonde hair, like Rapunzel and she had these bright, brown eyes," he starts off. "Then, there was a young man who was sad because she looked just like his daughter who was taken away from him many years ago. So, one day, while the girl was out playing in the park, the man snatched her and tied her to a tree." T stops talking and grabs onto my hand before continuing again,

     "The little girl cried and kicked and tried with all her might to get the man to let go of her. But, he was too strong. He ripped the little girl's clothes off and he unbuckled his pants. I'll spare you the gory details, but just know that the girl was not very happy."

     "Then, after that, the man took the child back to his house. One that looked much like this one, and he put her into some pajamas and told her to go to sleep. The girl cried all night and the man got very mad at her and he beat her up. He beat her so badly that she wasn't able to talk or walk." Tears are swimming in T's eyes now as he looks at me.

     "Please stop talking," I say, but he shakes his head and opens his mouth to talk again.

     "Skip a few years ahead and the girl is released from the man, on one condition. She had to work for him for as long she lived. She obliged and she was set free. Skip a few more years ahead and the girl is happy. She has two best friends and is living the golden life until she finds out that the guy has moved to where she lives."

     "She wasn't very happy, but she knew she had to do what he said. So, the man wanted her best friend and she helped make it happen. She killed someone to make it seem as if her friend had died. That's right, she murdered someone. She kept the man's secrets to herself and she never disrespected him. But, then the girl got a letter from a friend who died. So, the girl leaves. She leaves, just like that, leaving her best friend to suffer, leaving her family behind. Leaving the boy she loves behind. No one knows where she is, not even that man and that makes him very mad," he finishes.

       "You're talking about Victoria, aren't you?" I ask as a teardrop slips from my eye. He nods and I close my eyes, absorbing his words. "You kidnapped her, you raped her," I whisper.

Victoria, my best friend, a killer? A liar? It just doesn't seem right.

      "She wasn't who you thought she was, was she?" He asks and I shake my head. "You can't trust anyone, Rose. I am the only one who will never lie to you, the only who will love you, forever."


thanks for reading! please vote and comment:)  p.s. i will edit this later!

- jayymckenziee

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