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- V I C T O R I A -

11.15.16 // 3:33 p.m.

THE NEWS ABOUT Yvette Rona being dead has left me on edge ever since I found out. I constantly keep looking out my window, the warm glow of the afternoon light doing nothing to soothe me. I keep a bat close by me, hidden underneath my black pillows, just in case.

I feel as if I can't breathe, someone is choking me. T is choking me. My heart is racing and all I want to do is curl up into a ball and wait for someone to save me, even though no one will.

I'm a monster, after all.

A choked cry makes it's way up my throat and a single tear slips down my eye. I wipe it away ferociously with the back of my hand and let out a shaky breath. A sound comes from outside my window and I immediately grab the bat that is under my pillow as my heart leaps into my throat.

After nothing happens, I put the bat down and thrust my hands into my hair.

I'm completely paranoid.

There is another sound, but this time it comes from my phone that sits untouched on my nightstand. I stare at it for a minute, having an internal argument with myself. I shake off my nerves and pick it up hesitantly, my heart beating fast in my chest. I wipe my sweaty hands on my bed sheet before reading an email.

FROM: anonymous43@yahoo.com


DATE: November 16, 3:34 p.m.

TO: VickyAnderson@CPA.com

Hello, Vicky.

Even though my username is anonymous, I'm one hundred percent sure you know who this is.

By now, you have heard about Yvette Rona's death, right? Such a tragedy, that poor woman. But, she told her secret, she wasn't suppose to do that.

Do you see what happens? All she wanted was freedom, but she can't have that. We can't have freedom either, Vicky.

It's hard, right? Having to live your life being a liar. Being only eighteen and having to fear death every single moment of every single day. Whenever that clock hits a new time, it could be your final moments on Earth. T is... unpredictable. Scary to think about, I know.

I need to talk to you. Face to face, not over email. Put everything aside, Vicky, and have a conversation with me, please.

Meet me @ the tree again. Midnight, don't be late.

I'm begging you.


Someone who is living a lie.


i hope you enjoyed! kind of just a filler for next chapter. thanks for reading:) sorry for errors and grammars.


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