My Deal with Darren

Start from the beginning

“Anything but the Tournament would be fine. Everyone is constantly asking me about it and with the interview today… I just need a break.”

“Ok. Well, the Hogsmeade trip is coming up.”

He nodded. “Yeah. Are you still meeting Jason?”

I nodded. “Yeah. It’s gonna be good to see him. You can join us if you want. We can sneak to the Shrieking Shack to get away from everyone.”

He smiled. “Sounds fun. Maybe after a while. I’ll give you two sometime first. I have a date anyways.”

My heart sank. I hated when he had dates. It made my odds to be with him slimmer and slimmer. “With who?”

“Prudence. She asked me and I said why not.”

“Fun.” I tried to sound happy for him; which didn’t work out.

“Do you not like Prudence?”

I looked at him with wide eyes. “I do. You know I do.”

“Then why do you make me going out with her sound horrible.”

I stuck my hands up innocently. “I didn’t make it sound like that.” 

He nodded. “Yeah you did.”

I sighed. “I just don’t see you and her together. She’s different than you.”

“Well that’s why they saw opposites attract.”

“And there’s still a line where that ends somewhere.” I stood up.

“Either you’re jealous or you really don’t like her.” He said and stood up.

“I’m not jealous.” I lied through my teeth.

“Then you don’t like her.”

I turned around and sighed. “Fine. I don’t like her. She’s too bloody girly and bossy and annoying.”

He laughed and nodded. “She can be but it’s just a date. Not a marriage contract.”

“Well if you don’t see a future with her, why go out with her?”

“For fun.” He smiled. “I figure I can get some benefits from it.”

I felt like he punched my heart. I couldn’t think of him doing anything like that with other girls. I never saw him do it either around me. I just hoped I hid my pain from him. “Right. Maybe I should get that.”

He looked shocked. “You? No way.”

“Why not?” I crossed my arms.

“Well, you’re more of a relationship kind of girl.”

“How would you know?”

He laughed. “Because I know you. You’ve only had relationships.”

“Maybe that’s why I need a change. Maybe Darren.”

He laughed again. “Darren?”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“Nothing if you like his type.”

“What’s his type? Nice, caring, funny.”

“Well that’s just what you know about him. He could be something else.”

I rolled my eyes. “Stop. You’re just acting like my brother and I have two of those so I don’t need you too.”

He put his hands up innocently. “I’m just trying to help.”

Friendship on Fire (A Harry Potter Next Generation/Heart Scar series book)Where stories live. Discover now