Chapter 32

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Amber POV:
I'm in a clearing. The grass is tall and grew up to my waist. There were flowers. A beautiful yellow shade. They too grew up to my waist. Surrounding the clearing, there were trees. Tall trees. And between two grand trees, there was a path that led up. To where? Those two trees were decorated with winding gold branches that glimmered in the sun and went all they way up to the top of the tree. Swirling around every branch, and pouring into every leaf.

The sky was bright blue, no clouds, and the sun blazed down, giving me a warm feeling. I look down. I'm in an elegant gold and white dress that seemed to disappear beneath the tall yellow vegetation. The dress had golden swirls that swirled into more elegant and beautiful designs.

I look down at my hands. They are clean. Dirt free. As if they were just washed. My nails were painted white with sparkly golden designs.

A breeze blows by, making my hair flow in it. I look at my hair. It was curled to perfection with strands of gold in it. What's with all the gold? I've always been more of a silver person anyways. Where am I? What is happening? How did I get here? How did I get these clothes?

I turn around. There is noting near me but the trees that surround the gorgeous yellow clearing. Am I dead? I can't be dead. Pin. Sparrow. Amy. Everyone. There's no way. I try and remember what happened but fail. All I can remember is Pin protecting me and my dad with a gun. Wait. Is Pin ok? Please tell me that my dad didn't hurt him.

"Your mind is so clouded" someone's voice says. Their voice is absolutely beautiful. Like a quiet stream combined with an angel. It sounded beautiful. I twirl around and see a beautiful woman with a silver and white dress. Her hair is a dark brown and beautifully decorated with silver features. It almost looked like she glowed in this field.

"W-who are you?" I ask nervously. We looked somewhat similar and I swear that I've seen her before. It's on the tip of my tongue. "I've missed you. Look how beautiful you are" she says, obviously near tears. Why would she be crying. Anyone that beautiful should never cry. Ugh. I've seen her somewhere, maybe....

"Mom?" I ask, my voice almost cracking. A smile lights up her face, making my heart crack. I start running and it seemed like forever until I finally reached her.

She wraps me in her embrace and I felt the tears spring into my eyes. "Oh, please don't cry" she pleads, a quiet laugh escaping from her lips. I pull away and stare up at her beautiful face. "H-how. Your d-" I begin but she cuts me off.

"I know" she says. "Am I dead?" I ask. She shakes her head. "No. But you came close. Twice" she explains. "Then what's all......this?" I gesture to the space around us. She sighs and smiles at me, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear. "There's so much that you won't understand" she mutters, smiling down at me.

"Look" she gestures to a mirror. That was never there. It was decorated with a swirly gold frame. She stands me in front of it and I look in, but when I do, I see myself, but in a different.

I see myself, beaten and bruised, lying in a hospital bed, countless machines hooked up to my body. Something else that I noticed what that Pin was there, at my side, staring at my motionless, weak body. "He's hasn't left your side since they let him in" my mom explains, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"He's sweet. I approve" she adds causing me to blush. My body looked like a mess, yet Pin looked at me like I was the only girl in the world. "Sparrow?" I ask. She smiles. "She's fine, Pin brought her back while they were taking you to the hospital. She's perfectly safe. A little depressed though. She misses you" she explains.

I smile at the thought of my baby girl. I miss her so much. "So, if I am still alive, then what am I doing here?" I ask, turning back to look at her. She sighs. "Well, this is your choice now" she says, staring off and looking at that path between the two gold laced trees.

I give her a confused look. "What do you mean?" I ask. She gives me a sympathetic look. "You have a choice. Life. Or death" she explains. I stare at her. Am I literally making this decision? "What?" I ask. She sighs. "I'm sorry, but I can't stay here. Through those trees, is where I have to go, but not you" she says.

I feel tears pool up behind my eyes. "I don't want to loose you again" I sob quietly. She wraps her arms around me. "I've always been there. Always been watching" she says quietly into my ear. "Your friends need you Amber. Amy needs you" she adds and I nod. She pulls away and presses a gentle kiss against my forehead.

"I love you so much" she says, tears pouring down her face. "My beautiful girl" she plays with my hair. "I love you mom" I cry, hugging her tightly one last time. She peels herself off me and turns me around so that I'm looking back in the mirror and start walking towards it. "I love you Amber" is all I hear as I disappear into the mirror.

I groan in pain as I wake up to an annoying beeping sound. My chest, leg, hip, oh never mind. My entire body hurts. I peel my eyes open and see a pure while ceiling above me. I look to my left and see a variety of machines. I look to my right and see Pin fast asleep, his head leaning against his fist, and his other hand holding mine.

He looks exhausted as he has dark circles under his eyes and a cut and bruise on one side of his face. I squeeze his hand gently. Nothing. I squeeze his hand harder and he inhales deeply and his eyes flutter open. As soon as he looks at me, a huge smile appears on his face. I was about to say something but I couldn't because his lips were suddenly pressed against mine.

Once he pulled away, I finally spoke. "I missed you too" I laugh lightly.

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