Chapter 1

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Amber POV:
I slam the door of the truck closed behind me and glance around at my surroundings. This place hasn't changed one bit in the years that I've been gone. I'm honestly surprised.

My older cousin, Amy, stands beside me and puts an arm around my shoulder and smiles. "Hasn't changed. Has it?" She asks. I shake my head and smile slightly. "No. It hasn't, let's get Sparrow" I say before walking to the trailer behind the truck that brought me here.

Here being on an island off the coast of England, here being Bright Field stables. I open the trailer and guide my 12 year old, 15.6hh dapple grey Irish draught mare off the trailer. She searches my hand for a treat, and I pull one out of my pocket after she is off the trailer, rewarding the calm behaviour.

"How's she doing?" Amy asks. I give her shoulder a light pat. "A bit tense, but she seems to remember" I say, not taking my eyes off of Sparrows hazel ones.

"Amber?" I hear someone say. "Sam?" I ask, glancing at the brunette walking over to me, a boy by her side. She wraps her arms around me and I return the gesture as best as I can, giving that I'm still holding onto Sparrows lead rope. "How are you?" She asks, a huge grin on her face. "I'm fine, how about you?" I ask, rubbing Sparrows withers with my now free hand.

"I'm good. A lot better now that you're back. I've really missed you here" she says, her eyes looking a little watery. "And here I thought that I was the favourite" the boy chuckles lightly. He was tallish with pretty green/grey eyes and dark hair. "Oh yes. Amber, this is Marcus, my cousin" Sam smiles.

Marcus extends his hand and I cautiously take it in mine. "He's one of the best riders here" she adds causing him to smile and his cheeks to tint a pinkish shade. I could tell already that he was the kind of boy that girls would fawn over. I wasn't going to lie, he was cute, but he wasn't quite my type.

"Can I take her to the arena to stretch her legs for a moment?" I ask, now directing my attention towards Sam. "Yes, of course" she smiles. I turn Sparrow and look at Amy. She smiles at me. "I'll see you at home then" she says before giving me a quick hug and hopping back in her truck.

Before she pulls away, I ask Sam for some help with my tack and she happily agrees to put it in the tack room while I exercise Sparrow. I thank her before walking off to the arena.

Once in the arena, I close the gate and look at Sparrow. She was looking around. She was remembering everything. "You remember this place?" I whisper to her, kissing her nose softly. In response, she nickers at me and bobs her head up and down. I couldn't help but chuckle. "I'll take that as a yes" I smile.

"What's her name?" I voice interrupts. I turn around to see 3 girls watching me amd Sparrow. "Sparrow" I answer, running a hand down her neck. "She's beautiful" the blonde comments. I smile. "Thanks".

"What's your name?" The pretty girl with really curly hair asks. I can already tell that she's not from around here. She has an American accent. I wonder where she's from. "Amber" I answer kind of shyly. She smiles. "I'm Zoe, and this is Jade and Becky" she says, gesturing to the girl with dark hair and beautiful skin, and then to the blonde.

"Nice to meet you all" I smile and blush lightly. Marcus walks up behind the girls and leans against the fence, handing me my helmet. "Thanks" I smile, clipping it on.

"Do you want me to get your saddle?" He asks. "Trust me Marcus, she won't need one" Sam says as she walks up and stands with everyone. Apparently now I have a crowd. Great.

I take Sparrows halter off and lay it on the fence. She looks over at me and I rub her forelock again. "Come on big girl" I smile. I hop on her back, no saddle, no bridle. No nothing. I steer her onto the rail with my legs and hold onto her mane for extra direction.

Ignoring the people watching, I squeeze her into a trot. She stretches her head out and relaxes, going at a graceful and comfortable pace. After changing rein and trotting the other way, I decided that she was warned up enough. I pulled her mane lightly and squeezed my legs, and she slowed to a walk.

We do one walk lap before I kiss her into a canter, going on her right lead. She was a bit more bouncy than usual, but that's understandable, she's always been a bit more bouncy on her right lead.

I cross the arena and used my legs to guide her into a flying lead change and canter going to the left. She was a lot more smooth going this way. After a lap or two of canter going to the left, I slow her to a walk.

Patting her shoulder, she snorts lightly and sneezes, her body shaking as she does, causing everybody watching to laugh. I give her a minute or two to walk and catch her breath, but while she does that, I'm staring at the jumps that were already set up.

"Hey Sam" I call out, turning Sparrow to stand at the fence. She looks up at me. "Can you raise that oxer a few notches please?" I ask. She gives me a look before sighing lightly and entering the arena to make the oxer a few notches higher.

"You can do that bareback?" Jade asks, a shocked look on her face. "You think this is good, you should see her with a saddle" Sam says as she walks away from the oxer.

I kiss Sparrow into a strong, smooth canter and approach the jump. She springs off her hind legs and soars over the fence as if she has wings. We land safely on the other side and she canters away. I bring her to a walk and halt near Sam. "You've still got it" she says, full of pride.

I smile and shrug. "It's just practice" I murmur shyly. "You need to join the team" Becky gushes. "Thanks, but I'm not one for competing" I admit shyly, sliding off Sparrows back.

I slip her halter back on and lead her out of the arena. "Where do you want her Sam? She's tired now so she'll want to relax for a bit" I explain. She nods and gestures for me to follow her.

Her and Marcus start walking towards the stables. Once we were near the stalls, I noticed that there was a boy, his back turned to me as he sweeps the ground.

Sparrow nickers and seems rather interested in the boy. She lets out a small neigh causing the boy to turn around. He had high cheekbones, dark hair, and greyish green eyes. He was the boy who I thought I'd never see again.


Free Rein||Broken Home/PinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora