Chapter 11

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Amber POV:
I arrived home that night and opened the door. "Amy. I'm home" I call out, sliding my tall boots off. No response. "Amy!" I yell louder. She usually responds almost immediately.

I start wandering around the house looking for her and check my phone. No messages. No missed calls. It's 5:34. She got of work an hour and a half ago. Where could she be?

After searching the house from top to bottom, and discovering an awful smell, I huffed and went back upstairs and texted her.

'Hey. It's Amber. I'm home, where are you??' I click send and sigh, flopping down on the couch and clicked on the tv and turned on some random show to tune out the creepy silence.

Not 5 minutes after I sent the text, the front door opens and closes. "Amber! Sorry I'm late, my boss made me stay late at work and I didn't get breakfast so I grabbed a bite to eat. I got your text, are you alright?" She asks, walking down the hall and into the living room where I was. She looked a little flustered

I nod. "Yeah. I'm fine, I just didn't know where you were" I admit. "I was worried" I add. She nods. "Sorry" she frowns, replying a little too quickly. "It's alright. Are you still hungry?" I ask. She nods. "I'll go make us something, how does that sound?" I ask. She smiles. "Thanks. That would be great" she says. I give her a smile before heading off to the kitchen to make grilled cheese.

Amy POV:
I felt bad lying to Amber but I had I choice. I didn't want her to worry. I think we're, or more specifically, Amber, is being stalked, and I don't know why.

When I got home today, the back window was open, and I specifically remember closing it this morning. I searched the house and found, almost unnoticeable boot prints on the floors all around the house.

My boss didn't keep me late at work and I had breakfast this morning. I went to the police station and talked to them about my caution. They understood but told me that there is really nothing that they could do but keep an eye on her.

I was a bit annoyed walking back and when I came back home, I hoped that Amber didn't see my anger and frustration. When she went into the kitchen to make something, I got a call from someone.

"Amber, I've got a call, I'll be upstairs" I call out. She replies with a cautious 'ok' before I head upstairs and answer the call.

"Hello?" I ask. "Hello Amy" a robotic voice replies. I hit record immediately before continuing the conversation with the stranger. "Who is this?" I ask, pretending to be innocent and confused.

"Oh. You don't know me, but I do want to get to know you, more specifically, Amber" the voice continues. My body tenses. "What do you mean? Amber is in Alberta with her father" I lie.

"Tut. Tut. Tut. Lying to me? Such a shame. I thought you knew better" the voice replies. "What do you even want with Amber. She's done nothing wrong" I press. "She ran away from something that she can't run away from, and I'm here to take her back" it says.

"And what will you be taking Amber back to exactly?" I ask. The voice laughs. A deep, creepy laugh, and it was even creepier with the robotic twist. "You really think that you can get answers from me that easily? I thought you were smart" it laughs again.

"Why are you even calling?" I ask, agitation filling my voice. "Good question. You'll find out soon enough. I'll be seeing you real soon" it says before the line disconnects.

"Dammit" I mutter quietly to myself. I send the recording to the police before practically running downstairs, ready to tell her everything. Amber had finished cooking and presented me a plate with a grilled cheese.

"What's wrong?" She asks as I take the plate. She's just so.....her that I don't want to tell her. I know why she left and I know that she's not sleeping properly, but I think that she's finally adjusting and I don't want to ruin things for her. I sigh. "It's nothing" I think up a quick lie. "An old friend passed away. You don't know her. My friends mom" I shrug.

She mutters a quiet 'oh'. "Sorry" she frowns, putting a hand on my shoulder. I shrug. "It's nothing. Really. Where's your food?" I ask.

"I'm not hungry. I was just going to go upstairs, shower, and talk to my friends" she says. "Oh. Ok. Have fun" I say as she walks past me and goes up the stairs. I look down at the food and feel a pang of guilt. I should have told her. What am I going to do?

Amber POV:
I knew that something was up with Amy, but I was honestly too tired to press the situation further.

I go upstairs and take a long hot shower. After my shower, I dry off, brush and braid my hair, and brush my teeth. I get changed into my comfortable pj's and head to my room.

I sit and my desk and open my laptop. I have 13 unread messages. I check them. Some emails from stores and some from Abby and Izzy.

I click the email from Izzy first. 'Hey Amber. I miss you sooo much. Hope you're having fun in England with your aunt. Still sad you left but I hope you're happy where you are. Luv u lots, Iz. Ps: tell Sparrow I say hi' I smile. Izzy was a really close friend. Her and I went riding together lots. She's the reason I came out of my shell when I went to live with my dad.

I send her a message back. 'Hey Iz. Just got your message. Miss you lots. How are things going back home? How's your family? Tell Domino I say hi and give him an apple for me' I click send. Domino is her brown and white paint horse. Really sweet, but he has an attitude.

Next, I click on Abby's email. 'Hey Amber. I miss you lots here. Jax to. He missis the treats you give him and our rides together. But,I'm afraid that I may have some bad news. I got a package in the mail. It was addressed to you, so I brought it to your house to give it to your dad. He wasn't there. He's gone Amber. Please be careful'. My stomach drops. Gone? What does she mean by gone. Gone gone? Or gone dead?

I send an email back. 'Hey Abbs. Miss you too. What do you mean by gone?' I click send. Gone? I close my laptop and lay down on my bed, my mind racing with negative thoughts.

I. Need. Answers. And soon.

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