Chapter 26

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Amber POV:
Today was the day. It was Friday and the dance was tonight and I had agreed to go, mostly because Becky, Jade, and Zoe wouldn't shut up and stop bugging me, so, naturally, I gave in and said that I would go.

"You need to start getting ready" Amy says from beside me. Her voice was getting better and so was her strength, yet she was still far from being fully healed.

"Amy. It's only 1:30" I remind her. "The dance doesn't start until 8" I add. She huffs. "I'm so bored" she groans. "Amy. You were in a car accident, remember? No walking around yet" I patiently say but she just huffs again. "Don't you huff at me missy. I can and will take my laptop away" I warn.

"You wouldn't dare" she says. I smirk. "Oh but I would. I'm mean like that" I say, taking my laptop from her. She pouts at me and I smirk. "What's the magic word?" I ask. She glares at me. "Please" she says bitterly. I smile and put my laptop back where it originally was.

"I hate you" she glares. "You love me. Now shhh. I'm watching" I say, pointing to the screen. We were watching some kids movie but we were both totally into it. "You should at least go home and shower and then bring your outfit back. I have to approve" she says.

"If I do that, will you stop pestering me about how cute Pin and I would look?" I ask. She shakes her head. "No" she replies simply. "You're mean Amy. You're very mean" I stick my tongue out at her before getting up. Maybe I do need a quick shower.

"I'll be back. Don't go anywhere" I say. She gives me a stupid look and I mentally face palm. "You know what I mean. I'll be back" I say before leaving the room and walking down the hallway. I exit the hospital and begin the short journey home.

As I'm walking, I receive a text. It's from Becky. "Do you believe in ghost pony?" It reads. I text back "yes" but she never responds back. Hm. Strange. I've never seen her act like this before.

I reach my place shortly and go upstairs to take a shower. The hot water soothes my sore muscles and de-stresses me. After my shower, I tie my hair up in a towel and let it sit there for a while. I change into comfortable clothes before opening my closet. What do I want to wear? I have casual dresses, I have not so casual dresses, I have super casual dresses, and I have my dress from my grade 8 graduation.

I begin sorting through all my dresses, pushing them aside if I disagree. No. No. No. Definitely no. No. No. Never again. No. No. I had maybe 4 more dresses to go before all my clothes were pushed to one side. I slide a strapless navy blue dress in front of me. It's mid thigh on me and it's not too dressy nor is it too casual. I throw that dress on my bed and sort through the rest. No. No. And no. Ok. Navy blue dress it is.

I look down and start scanning through my shoes. My pair of black wedges seem to jump out at me and I think that they would go nicely with my dark dress. I throw them on my bed and quietly close my closet before grabbing my makeup bag and my jewellery box and my hair brush.

I carefully put everything I want into a backpack that I had lying around before unwrapping my hair from the towel and heading to the bathroom. I grab Amy's blow dryer, curling iron and her hair straightener and add them to my bag. I also grab a can of hairspray. I hang my towel up, my hair still damp and head downstairs and back out the door. It's 2:30. I have lots of time. Hopefully Amy will approve of my choices.

Pin POV:
I was doing my daily job when Mia walked up to me. "Hey Pin" she smiles. I give her a confused look. "Uh. Hi?" I say cautiously. She never talks to me unless she wants something. Oh great. What does she want now?

"So are you going to the dance tonight?" She asks. I shrug. "Uh. Yeah, maybe" I say, going back to sweeping. "Cool, I am too. We should totally go together" she says and I nearly choke. Ha. No. "Uh? Why?" I ask. "Because you wouldn't want everybody at the stables to find out about your little girlfriends dirty little father secrets now would you?" She asks with a devilish smirk on her face. I give her a blank look.

"How di-" I begin but she cuts me off. "I have my ways. Now, we need to get you something decent to wear tonight. Let's go" she says, flipping her hair over her shoulder and walking away. The last thing I want to do is go to the dance with her, and she may be bluffing about knowing Ambers secrets but what if she's not? I don't want to hurt Amber in any way at all, and I know that by showing up with Mia it could hurt her, but it's better than everybody finding out who she truly is and her snapping and leaving. Again. I don't want to loose her again. What choice do I have?

Amber POV:
"I love it!" Amy exclaims as she looks at my dress and shoes. "It so suits you. You're going to look amazing. I can't believe this. You're so grown up and I'm so proud of you" she finishes, tears starting to fill her eyes, giving them a glossy appearance.

I smile down at her. "I don't have to go you know" I patiently remind her. "Oh don't you start now. Yes you do" she says. "Ok. Relax Amy" I say. She waves her arms around. "No! This is too exciting for me to relax!" She exclaims.

"Ok" I say. She begins ranting about how great it'll be and how much fun I'll have and this and that and I pretended to listen, but I was really staring off into space. I learned how to tune her out a long time ago because she talked this much even when I was young.

Despite the fact that I'm totally nervous for tonight and knowing me, I'll fall and break my ankles in those wedges but I do truly believe that tonight will be fun and full of good memories.

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