Chapter 3

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(In pic above, that's the bridle Pin got for Sparrow minus the bit)
Amber POV:
I reach Amy's house in no time and walk inside before closing the door behind me. And slipping my boots off.

As I walk through the hallway, more and more memories come back to me. "Amy. I'm back" I call out. She appears around the corner. "How was it?" She asks. "It was fine. I didn't know that Pin was there though" I tell her.

"Pin was there?" She asks with the biggest smirk on her face. "Yeah..." I trail off, confused why she was so excited about this. "Ummm, Amy. You good?" I ask, noticing that she was currently staring off into space.

"Hm? Oh yeah. I just remember how cute you two were when you were young" she smiles. "Does he still have those cute cheekbones?" She asks. "Yeah" I shrug.

"Ha! You just admitted they were cute" she points a finger at me. I playfully roll my eyes and shove her shoulder. "There's nothing happening" I state matter of factly.

"I never said there was" she smirks. "That's it. I need a shower and to unpack" I walk off, giving up. She laughs and goes back to the kitchen to continue what she was going before I got here.

I go up to my room. My suitcase and backpack were at the foot of my bed. In my room, there was a single sized bed pushed against the left wall under a window, beside it was a nightstand, beside the nightstand, there was a small couch that sat underneath the window with drawers underneath it and then there was a dresser with a mirror leaning against the wall. On the wall to my left beside the doorway, there was a desk with a chair, and on the wall to my right beside the doorway, there was a closet. And on the wall on the right, there was a big mirror that was my height.

All furniture was white and the bed was decorated with a blue and grey comforters and pillows. The windows were decorated with with white curtains and the wooden floors were a light brown. Above my bed, there was a framed picture of Sparrow when she was a foal and me when I was just young, my arm draped over her back.

I smiled at the happy memory before snapping back to reality. I open my suitcase and begin putting my clothes in my dresser and closet. My fancier shoes, like my wedges, heels, boots and so on went on the floor in my closet. I unpack all my makeup and my jewelry box, and smaller framed pictures and place them on top of my dresser. I pull out my laptop and place it on the desk to that was by the doorway and put my books in the drawers underneath the couch. Maybe I'll get a bookshelf.

One picture I had was when Pin and I were kids. We were both at the stables and holding our horses, laughing at the fact that both us and the horses were covered in mud. We were so young.

After unpacking, I put my suitcase in my closet, then grab a towel and a change of clothes and take a quick shower. I didn't bring any shampoo, and I hoped that Amy won't mind me using hers until I get my own. I had brought a few things of my own like a razor, toothbrush, hair brush, and a few other girly things, but that was it.

I finish my shower and get changed into more comfortable clothes. I dry my hair and brush it before twisting it into a french braid that cascaded down my back. Hanging my towel up to dry, I head downstairs.

"Hey. You smell better. You hungry?" Amy asks, offering me a plate of pasta. Ah. She knows how to get on my good side. "Yeah. Thanks" I smile, digging into the warm meal.

After finishing, I look over at the time. 7:30. Back with my dad, it would be very early in the morning, and to say I was exhausted was an understatement. "I'm going to bed, thanks aunty A" I smile and give her a quick hug before heading back upstairs.

I head to the bathroom and brush my teeth before going to my room. Once I was back in my room, I sit at the desk and open my laptop, checking for messages from any of the few friends I had back with my dad. Nothing. Well, it it early there. They're probably not even up yet.

I close my laptop and go sit on my bed. In the nightstand, I pull out my phone charger and plug my phone in for the night.

As soon as I lay down, I realized how badly I had jet leg. It was not a comfortable feeling. I wiggle my way under all my blankets and pretty much fell asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow.

~the next morning~

I wake up to my alarm going off and check my phone to look at the time. 7:15. I let myself sleep in for an extra 45 minutes. I know Sam will want me at the stable for 7:30, but I was hoping that she would give me a bit more leeway.

After heading to the bathroom, I go downstairs and to the kitchen only to see a note on the counter. I pick up the note and read the neat writing.

I probably should have told you this last night but I work from 6am to 4pm. If you are hungry, there is plenty of food, if you can't cook, then there is a cafe not far from here. I left you some money if you wanted to go to the cafe. Have a great day at the stables and I'll be back for dinner.
Aunt A:) (P.S. Tell cheekbones I say hi)

I roll my eyes at the last comment before throwing the note away and putting the money back on the counter. I can cook.

I open the fridge and pull out a carton of eggs and turn on the stove. I make myself some eggs, toast, and I have a glass of water and an apple. By now, it's 7:34.

After cleaning up my dishes, I head upstairs to brush my teeth, hair, and to get dressed. I wear my tan riding pants and a simple black t-shirt. I brush my hair and pull it into a ponytail before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs.

I pull on my boots and half-chaps before heading out the door and to the stables.

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