Chapter 12

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Amber POV:
I wake up slowly and check my phone. I have 13 messages from Becky and 9 from Jade. I unlock my phone and check the messages. Their all about the photoshoot today.

The photoshoot is today? The photoshoot is today! Raven! Mia wants to ride him and he's gonna flip. I have no interest in being in the photoshoot whatsoever but I care about Raven.

I flip my covers off and find some clothes. I showered last night so I don't need to shower this morning. I grab a pair of dark grey coloured jodhpurs, and a white shirt. I tie my hair up in a ponytail and head downstairs.

I pass the kitchen before I stop myself. I head into the kitchen and make another container of oats, honey, and apples for Pin and his pony. I don't know if or how much the pony ate, so I just made some.

When that was ready, I put on my black riding boots and my black half chaps before heading out the door to the stables. Pin wasn't there when I got there so I put the container with my tack before getting to work on everything.

I rotated the horses and started mucking the stalls out. "Getting to work nice and early?" I hear a voice from behind me. I turn around. "Morning Marcus" I smile, getting back to work.

"What are you doing up?" I ask. "The photoshoot is today. Sam wants me to help out with you and Pin" he explains. "Well aren't you lucky?" I joke, finishing up the stall I was working on, causing him to chuckle lightly.

"Are you participating in the shoot?" I ask. He smiles. "Sam wants me to. You?" He asks. I shrug. "Probably not" I mutter. "What why?" He asks. I sigh and straighten my back. "Just not that type of person I guess" I shrug, pushing the wheel barrel by him.

As I'm walking, Pin approaches me. "Hey. Did the pony like it?" I ask. He smiles and pulls me into a hug. "I'll take that as a yes" I smile. "Yeah. I've never seen him eat so much" he says.

"Well, I made another container, it's with my tack" I say. He smiles. "You're the best" he says. I blush lightly. "Anything to make your poor pony happy" I say. He looks like he wants to say something, but he doesn't.

"So are you participating in the shoot today?" I ask. He laughs. "I'm a stable hand" he says. "I don't get to participate in stuff like this" he says, only more quietly.

"What about you?" He asks. "What about me?" I ask. "Are you participating?" He asks causing me to laugh. "Yeah. I don't think that I'll be participating in the shoot" I say. "What? Why not?" He asks.

"Just not that type of person I guess" I shrug. He gives me a look and I simply shrug. "Well, are you going to stand there or are you going to help me muck out these stalls?" I ask. He laughs. "Do I have a choice?" He asks. I shrug.

We work together, cleaning up the stalls and filling up the water and giving out food. After that, we swept all around the barn. We finished a bit earlier since I had rotated the horses earlier this morning and Sam was kind of rushing us.

"Amber. You have to go get Sparrow ready!" Sam pushes. I give her a confused look. "Why?" I ask. She gives me a look. "Because of the photoshoot today" she says as if it's obvious. "Not to be a downer or anything Sam, but I wasn't planning on participating" I admit.

"Why? You have a beautiful horse and a beautiful face" she encourages. I sigh. "I don't know Sam" I frown. Someone scoffs. "Don't worry Sam, she's not camera material anyways. I mean. Look at her. She's just a pathetic little stablehand" Mia snips. I roll my eyes. I pretend that her comment doesn't bother me, but deep down, it does.

"What's wrong with stablehands?" Pin speaks up, standing by my side. Mia glares at me but Sam butts in. "Nothing is wrong. Amber, go get Sparrow ready" she says, causing Mia to storm off.

"But I was supposed to help with Raven" I say. "Marcus and Zoe have it handled. Now go" she says, pushing my back lightly. I groan and start walking towards the paddock where I had turned Sparrow out not an hour ago, grabbing a lead rope on my way.

Pin walks with me as I calm myself down. "Thanks for standing up for me back there" I smile. He shrugs. "Mia gets annoying after a while, and it took her insulting you to cause me to finally snap" he says. "Well aren't I such a lucky girl" I mutter, shoving his shoulder playfully. He mutters something that I don't quite hear properly.

I call Sparrows name and she comes cantering over and halts at the fence. I open the gate and  let her out. She follows me out and Pin closes the gate for me.

I lead her to the posts and use my lead rope to tie her up. Becky and Jade eventually showed up and immediately started grooming their horses. Sparrow seemed a bit more tense than usual, but I urged her to calm down with treats.

The photographers would be here soon, but Bob had gotten into the manure pile, causing Becky to freak out and almost pass out.

I felt bad for her, but I couldn't help but laugh. Mia and Susie said some snarky comment about the situation and I rolled my eyes and pretended to be interested in Sparrows already perfected mane.

I backed up and took a look at and admire my hard work. Her body had been perfectly groomed and her feet had been picked out and washed. The top of her tail was fish tailed and the rest of it was free and flowing, practically glimmering from brushing and her mane looked the same, with a few small braids in it.

To hold the braids in place, I used small silver ribbons, same with her tail. I had brushed her forelock so that it fell to one side. I grabbed her grey saddle pad and her black saddle, along with the bridle Pin had given me so many years ago.

I tack Sparrow up and look at her. She looks beautiful. "You my pretty girl?" I ask. She nickers. "Yeah you are" I smile, offering her and apple slice.

"Everyone. They're here" Sam rushes over. Everyone looks up, but I just simply pet Sparrow. I don't want to be doing this, and something doesn't feel quite right deep down....

(Hey guys. Chapter 12. Yay!!! Hope you're all liking the story so far. This is my first authors note so far, and I don't do these often because I know that people don't usually read these. Anyway, I'm finally doing one because I just want to let you all know that I am quite busy during the week with summer school and work that I'll be trying to get at least 2 updates a day. Sorry if my updates get slower, but I work less on the weekends so I'll try and get at least 3 a day. Keep reading😘)

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