Chapter 6

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Amber POV:
Everyone arrives back at the stables and we go our separate ways. Becky has to go work, Zoe has to go home to do something, and Jade promised to help Sam with something. That leaves me.

"Hey" a voice calls out from behind. I turn around, still on Sparrows back. "Hey Pin. What's up?" I ask. "The horses have been rotated" he says. I slap my forehead. "I'm so sorry. I was supposed to help you wasn't I? Sorry Pin" I frown.

He laughs lightly. "Don't sweat it. It's alright" he smiles up at me. "Do you wanna go for a ride?" He asks. I shrug. "I was just on one but sure" I smile. He grabs his mare and tacks her up and grabs his helmet before we start off back into the moors.

For some time, we ride quietly, only the sound of the horses stepping and snorting lightly sound as we walk. "She's grown a bit since the last time I saw you" Pin speaks up. "Really?" I ask, watching Sparrows head bob lightly with each step she takes.

He nods. "Yeah. It's been a long 8 years" he mumbles quietly. "I really did miss you. Even my dad missed you. Sam, your aunt..." he trailed off. I frown. "I didn't want to leave. You know that right?" I ask. He nods.

"But did you want to come back?" He asks, giving me a knowing look. I give him a harder look. "Yes. I did" I say shortly. "Why did you truly come back Amber?" He presses, halting his horse. I halt Sparrow beside him. "Pin. Because I'm your friend I'm going to ask you to stay out of it. Please. For your safety" I plead, remembering the threat that happened the last time that he found out about everything.

His facial features soften and he sighs in defeat. "Fine. But you know me. I will find out one way or another" he smiles up at. "You scare me Pin" I smile back. "Come on" he says, squeezing his horse into a canter. I follow suit, quickly catching up to him.

I didn't know where we were going until I saw the big crate and the makeshift sheds. We both halt and slide off our horses and I follow Pin towards a place where we can tie up our horses.

Sparrow looks around intently. She must remember this place too. "Amber?" I hear a recognizable voice from behind. I turn around. "Tim" I smile, as he brings me into a hug. "How have things been?" I ask. "Alright. Peter and I are doing alright" he says. I know that only his dad calls Pin Peter, as it is his real name. When Pin and I were younger, he explained that he couldn't say 'Peter', so his mom called him 'Pin' instead. I know that his nickname is all he has left of her.

"How've you been?" He asks. "I shrug. Alright I guess. Definitely missed England" I say. He chuckles. "Who wouldn't?"

"Peter. This is the only girl that I like around you. The other one got you arrested" I snap my head towards Pin. "What? Who?" I ask. "Zoe. She caught me 'stealing' sedatives for this poor little guy" he gestures to something inside the crate.

I walk over and cautiously peek my head in. Inside, there was a very sick looking pony lying in the shavings. I bend down and gently rub his neck. His head shoots up and I shush him and urge him to put his head back down.

"I stole the sedatives because he was in so much pain" he explains, sitting beside me and stroking the sick pony's nose. "She didn't think to ask why?" I ask, looking over to Pin.

"No. You see, there's been a horse thief going around here. Zoe thought Peter was stealing sedatives to capture the horses" Tim explains leaning against the crate, his arms folded over his chest.

"And she thought that you were the horse thief?" I ask. Pin shrugs. "Guess so" he says, returning his attention back to the pony. "She seemed so nice though" I murmur. "Guess you can't judge a book by its cover" Pin says, looking back over to me.

"I've got some things to do in town. Peter, do you need anything?" Tim says. "Uh. More apples if you can" he says. "Ok. See you later. Bye Amber" he says before walking away. "Bye Tim" I call out, not sure if he heard me or not.

"What do you need the apples for?" I ask. He looks down at the pony. "I've been trying to feed him anything with sugar in it, to try and boost his energy so that he'll stand again" he says.

"Why not try something a bit easier for them to chew?" I suggest. "Like what?" He asks. "Well. What I used to do for Sparrow when she wasn't feeling well was mix oats and honey. High in sugar and it'll make them want water" I explain.

He gives me a look. "Hm. I never thought about that. But I don't have any oats" he explains. "Than use granola" I suggest. "Don't have that either" he admits, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. I smile at him. "I'll make it. I'll bring u a bunch if it tomorrow morning" I tell him. "I'll even chop up some apples and mix it in" I add.

He smiles. "Thanks". I smile back. "Anytime, he looks like he could use a sweet treat" I tell him. Pin gently strokes the pony's face. "Yeah. He looks like he's been through a lot" he says, looking at me.

I sigh, knowing what he's hinting at and give him a look. "Look Pin. I know that you do care and that you are concerned" I begin. "But I assure you. I'm perfectly safe here and I'm ok now" I give him a weak smile.

"Now?" He asks. I sigh and lean back against the crate. I noticed that Sparrow was watching the two of us, her ears and eyes focused on Pin and I. "Yeah. Now" I say, my attention now focused on my nosy mare.

Pin followed my gaze and as soon as he looked at Sparrow, Sparrow turned away and went back to whatever she was doing. I pull out my phone and check the time. "We've got to get back soon" I murmur, standing up and offering him my hand so that he could stand up too.

"Let's go" he says. We mount up and canter off back to the stables.

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