Chapter 24

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  Katherine was able to run to the coast before the guards could catch her but she won't be able to hide for long. She scanned the entire area from behind a rock and made sure she was safe before resting but sadly when she turned behind her, she knocked out before she was able to see the person.

   When she awoke, she was chained to a wall in the dungeon of the castle. Before her, stood Oliver with his blue eyes piercing into her soul. He walked up to her  and gently caressed her while his lips were an inch away from hers. She tried to turn away from him but he grasped her chin and brushed his lips against hers. "Aw, don't be like this," he whispered against her lips "The pain will be over before you know it." 

  She immediately felt as if something cut into her stomach. The blade was pulled out when Oliver was thrown across the room by someone. Everything started to get blury and she couldn't really see the person. Oliver was unconscious due to the blow he received. All Katherine could remember was the feeling of someone picking her up in their arms. The entire room was spinning and she felt as if she couldn't make it. She already lost a lot of blood and it was heard to stay alive.

  She was relieved when she caught glimpse of fiery red eyes. She knew those eyes anywhere. It was Zachary holding her and carrying her to safety. "Katherine, please stay with me," he begged " Everything's going to be okay and you'll be alright."

  Katherine gave a half-hearted smile  and her eyes slowly began shutting. She began gasping for air and it was getting harder and harder to breathe. At least if she died, she knew she'll die in his arms but what will her death do to him. She promised she'd come back to him. She swore he won't losr her. She couldn't give up. She needed to fight. Not only for herself but him also. Mostly him.

  If she died, he'll maybe do to but she couldn't take the pain anymore. It was killing her. She'll miss everyone. Her parents, Logan, Elliot, Arthur and Zachary. She thought it was time.

    I love you and I'm sorry.

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