Chapter 2

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 “Katherine!” a voice called “Katherine, where are you? Ugh, where is that girl?” That voice was her mother. Katherine was in the garden, riding her unicorn and she was also hiding from her mother. Katherine was involved in an arranged marriage. When she was born, her parents promised her to a prince from another kingdom but when Katherine got old enough to understand the concept of an arranged marriage, she refused to tie the knot with someone she just met.

 “Katherine, there you are,” said her mother “Hello mother,” Katherine said sweetly “What are you doing here?” her mother questioned “Just riding Enne, mother,” Katherine responded “When you’re supposed to be at a dress fitting to meet Prince Oliver?” her mother asked furiously. She sighed and said,” Mother for the last time, I do not want to get married to some total stranger. I want to get married to someone I love” “You’ll eventually learn to love him, dear,” said Queen Alice with her voice softened “I know mother but will he learn to love me?” Katherine inquired “You’ll just have to figure that out for yourself, love,” her mother stated “Only your heart and his will tell you.”  

 The Queen left without saying another word. “Ugh, why did I have to be a princess?” Katherine thought to herself. “Hold still princess,” said a voice “I’m sorry, Luna,” apologized “I just have a lot on my mind” “Do you want to talk about it?” asked Luna “Sure, I guess,” answered Katherine. Luna was a servant in the castle but she was also Katherine’s best friend. “I really don’t want to be married off to some guy I don’t know and my mother doesn’t understand,” Katherine said flatly “Why don’t you want to get married?” asked Luna. “I’m afraid that if I fall in love with him, he won’t love me back,” responded Katherine “Well, that’s for you to find out, Katherine,” said Luna “Only you will know if he does” “Ugh, that’s not what I wanted to hear,” whined Katherine “Sorry, that’s the truth,” apologised Luna

   “Wow, the dress is really pretty,” said Katherine happily. She was wearing a beautiful, black dress that brought out her eyes and silver heels and a tiara. She was definitely ready to meet Prince Oliver. Prince Oliver was quite handsome and could have any maiden he wanted. He had hair as golden as the sand on the seashore, eyes as blue as the waters of Celestyna and pearled coloured skin. He was an expert swordsman and could dance very well.

  As Katherine was about to enter the carriage, Prince Arthur stopped her and said,” Katherine wait. I’ve got something for you.” Her face filled with curiosity. Prince Arthur took out a locket and held it in front of him. It was silver in colour and in the back was engraved ‘To My Beloved Sister’. Katherine hugged Arthur tightly and said,” Thank you Arthur. It’s absolutely wonderful. I’ll cherish it forever and I promise to never take it off.” Arthur laughed and said,” I’m glad you like it” “But why did you give this to me?” Katherine inquired “You’re my only dear sister,” he answered “and soon you’ll be married off. It’s just my way of showing you how much I love you and would miss you.”

  With that comment, Katherine hugged her brother once again and left to meet Prince Oliver.

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