Chapter 15

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“What are you doing here?” she repeated “I’m here to take you back,” he answered stepping closer to her. On this action, Zachary quickly pulled Katherine behind him and held his sword to Arthur’s throat. “You’re not taking her anywhere,’ he said sternly “Zachary,” she said softly “It’s okay.” He hesitated letting her near Arthur although he did so anyways but he did not let his guard down.

   “Did you come here alone?” asked Katherine. “No, Elliot and Logan’s here as well,” he responded. There was a moment of silence and out of nowhere Katherine saw her two other brothers running towards Arthur with Logan collapsing in front of him as soon as they stopped. “That’s all of them,” said Elliot tiredly “Ready to carry her?” “I already told you people,” said Zachary angrily “She’s not leaving.”

   “Who are you to decide that for her?” asked Elliot readying his sword. “Elliot don’t,” said Arthur placing his hand on Elliot’s shoulder. “Katherine,” Arthur softly “Let’s go” “I’m not going!” yelled Katherine. Both Arthur and Elliot were surprised by her statement. “Katherine,” mumbled Logan. “Why not?” questioned Elliot. “Because,” responded Katherine “I made a promise not to and you taught me not to break my promises, Arthur.” “What was the promise?” asked Arthur “I…” answered Katherine “I promise swore to become Captain Crain’s mistress and I promised not to leave to save Oliver’s life.”

 “So he was telling the truth,” Arthur mumbled “You’re kidding,” muttered Elliot. “Ok Katherine,” said Arthur “Guess our decision’s final. We can’t carry you. You need to stay here,” “What!” yelled Elliot and Logan. “Are you serious, Arthur?” inquired Elliot “Yes,” he said in a ‘if you question my ruling again you’re dead’ tone “She made a promise and it’s not right to break a promise, Elliot.”

   Elliot hesitated but could no longer question Arthur. Arthur slowly walked up to Katherine and hugged her while placing a kiss on her forehead. “Farewell, my dear sister,” he whispered “I’ll always love you.” Both Elliot and Logan did the same. As her brothers left, tears streamed down Katherine’s cheeks.

   Oh how she wished she wasn’t so foolish. She wished she hadn’t made that promise. There could’ve been some other way to save Oliver and herself other than this agreement. She wanted to undo it all but it was too late now. 

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