Chapter 13

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      “Where is she!” yelled Elliot about to punch Oliver but Arthur held him back before he could. “What are you doing?” Elliot asked angrily. “I know you’re upset but violence is no way to resolve anything,” responded Arthur. Elliot shot him a glare and muttered, Fine, you be the asshole.”

  Arthur released Elliot and turned his attention to Oliver. Logan was getting quite angry with Arthur for holding back Elliot. He thought Oliver deserved what he was about to get. “Now Oliver,” said Arthur calmly “Where is Katherine?” “I already told you,” he uttered annoyed “We both got captured by a pirate and he wanted to kill us both unless Katherine became his mistress.” Elliot was about to hit Oliver again but Logan held him back. “Is that the truth?” asked Logan. “Yes it is,” responded Oliver “There was nothing I could’ve done to save her. If I tried to he would’ve killed her.”

  No one saw it coming but before Oliver knew it, Arthur had punched him in the stomach making him kneel to the floor in pain. Elliot was about to question Arthur when he saw that Arthur’s warm brown eyes were stone hard  and it seemed if you looked into then you would turn frozen and remain like this for eternity.

  “Fool,” said Arthur in a deadly tone. A tone so vorpal, if you were in a trance it would rip you to pieces. It was if the body was a canvas, his voice was the paintbrush and he would turn you into a work of art using your skin and blood as the paint. “You are pathetic and worthless,” he continued “You don’t deserve the title of Prince,” Oliver groaned in pain as Arthur struck him so hard that he couldn’t stand.

“A true Prince save the ones who mean everything to them or the ones that were a nuisance because that is his duty. You don’t even deserve to be called a man. A man would the love of his life. The one whose heart he holds the key of. Even if it means risking his life or never seeing that person again.”

   Both Elliot and Logan stood in amazement. Elliot was no longer enraged. His cold, icy eyes had returned to soft ones.” Wherever my sister is, I’m sure she’s wishing she’s with you,” murmured Arthur. “Why? Because she loves you but it seems you have no love for her as you didn’t even think of saving her so she’ll be at your side.” Oliver became mad and tried to rise up saying, “I do love her!” Arthur’s eyes were deadlier than ever. “Don’t you dear try to get up,” threatened Arthur. “Or else the next blow you receive from me will leave you unconscious for months.” Oliver collapsed on the floor at his comment.

  “Elliot,” said Arthur calmly once again, “We’re leaving.” “Why?” questioned Elliot “We’re going to find our sister and bring her back.”

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