Chapter 19

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The Queen Fairy did her courtesy before Katherine and said,” Pleased to meet you, my dear princess.” “Is all this real?” questioned Katherine while walking around in awe. “Or am I dreaming?” “It’s real, my dear,” responded Amitiel. “Everything is. Every fairy has their very own power. Some control the elements of nature and others including myself control things such as knowledge, love, beauty and well life.”

  Katherine couldn’t believe that fairies existed. I mean she heard myths but she never thought they were real. “Your majesty,” said Katherine respectfully “I have a request. Will you be able to fulfil it?” “Of course, my dear,” answered Amitiel “Anything for the princess of Ceslestyna.” “Since you are the fairy of truth and life,” said Katherine “Will you tell me the truth about everything?” The queen hovered in awe. “Why did all that happened to me happen and why is Zachary so concerned about me?”

  The other fairies couldn’t believe Katherine was asking that. The queen gave a hesitant look but agreed to tell her which shocked the other creature of light. “As you wish, love,” Titania said with a smile. Suddenly everything became dark as the night sky. Only Katherine and Amitiel were there. It seemed as if everyone just vanished. Amitiel’s purple eyes were glowing white and her mint green hair was all over. It was as if she was in a trance. The forest was no longer visible. Not a single creature not entity was present.

  “Katherine,” she said in an angelic voice “Beware the one called Oliver. He is not worthy of you and he is untrustworthy,” “What?” asked Katherine amazed “Why?” “He is the enemy,” Amitiel continued “He wanted you dead, my dear Katherine. He ordered someone to kill you but that someone could not fulfil his duty.” “Who did he order and why did he want to kill me?” she inquired “A man by the name of Zachary is whom he commanded. He acted upon this because he did not like nor love. He wanted nothing to do with you and he loved someone else who was dear to you. The only way he could’ve gotten out of the arranged marriage and continue his relation with the other was if you were no longer alive.”

     Katherine fell shocked to the floor as Amitiel uttered the last words. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. There was no way Amitiel could be lying but………still. This wasn’t the Oliver she knew. The one she loved and gave her life for. This wasn’t the sweet and caring guy she fell for. Everything seemed unreal but it was all true. And who was this person that was dear to her? She couldn’t function and put the pieces of the puzzle together. She couldn’t believe he lied to her. She was heartbroken. It was if her heart was made of glass. So delicate and fragile and now it was broken into millions of pieces which seemed as if it could not be fixed all because the wrong part was touched.

    But if Zachary was supposed to kill her, why didn’t he? He was a pirate and pirates were ruthless and didn’t give a damn about who they killed or not. So why did he save her? Also it was a promise and Zachary said it himself, he keeps his promises. It didn’t make any sense.

  Before she was able to ask the final question, Amitiel was out of her trance and was breathing heavily. “Are you okay, your highness?” Katherine asked worriedly as she rushed over to the queen. “I’m quite alright, love,” Amitiel said smiling “I’m afraid that’s all I can tell you.” “Thank you,” Katherine said humbly “You’re welcome,” whispered Amitiel. “If I could’ve told you more I would’ve. I really don’t know why he saved you.” Katherine wondered how Amitiel knew the last question she was going to ask but she didn’t bother with the thought.

   Finally, she knew the truth. Well, partly.

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