Chapter 1

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Long, long ago, there was a kingdom known as Celestyna. The kingdom resided in Great Britain. Its waters were as blue as sapphires. Its trees and pastures were greener then green, its air the purest and its fires the warmest and reddest. This land was filled with many creatures. The kingdom was ruled by King Harold III and his wife Queen Alice. They had a lovely daughter by the name of Katherine. Her hair was as black as the night sky, her eyes as silver as the stars, her skin as white as snow and her lips as red as roses.

   She was the only daughter in the royal family. She had two older brothers, Prince Arthur and Prince Logan and also one younger brother named Prince Elliot. They were all very close siblings. Arthur, the eldest, was twenty-seven. Logan was twenty-five and Elliot sixteen. Katherine, one of the middle children, was twenty-one years of age. Katherine was rather immature for her age. She was very bubbly and had a lot of energy but was quite naïve. She was said to have a heart of gold and was as beautiful as a goddess. She captured the heart of everyone everywhere she went.

  Prince Arthur was a true gentleman. Every maiden in the kingdom was in love with him. His dirty blonde, silky hair and chocolate brown eyes complimented his crystal clear complexion, along with his gentle smile. He was an expert in jousting, sword fighting and croquet. There was no else quite like him and he was indeed charming.

  Prince Logan was a sweetheart. He was a bit naïve but not as much as Katherine. He was the most mature and responsible of the four siblings. He had wavy, ginger hair with grey eyes. His honey coloured skin went well with his light freckles that were plastered upon his cheeks. He was also the most serious and was said to be an animal charmer. Every animal loved him.

  Prince Elliot was the troublemaker. He played pranks on all of his siblings as well as everyone in the castle but he still charmed all the young maidens. His shaggy, messy, black hair always fell the right way bringing out his mesmerizing turquoise eyes. He was extremely intelligent, brilliant and a professional in horseback riding. He was said to be perfect.

   The pet of the royal family was a griffin. A griffin is part eagle and part lion. His name was Leo. He was really friendly but really protective of the family. The castle was protected by a two-headed dragon. One head breathed fire and the other ice. Everyone loved living in Celestyna.

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