Chapter 5

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 That same night, Katherine began packing for the trip and she told everyone about it. She was in her room getting ready when she heard a voice say,” You seem to be very happy about this trip.” When she turned around she saw Elliot leaning against the wall.

  “What do you want, Elliot?” she inquired. “Nothing,” he replied advancing towards her. “I just want to see my sister before she leaves. I mean I will not be seeing her for an entire month.” “Right,” she said sarcastically “The guy who’s self-absorbed and cares nothing of a sort about anyone else wants to see his sister before she leaves. Not at all shocking” Elliot scoffed at Katherine’s comment and she rolled her eyes.

   “Are you sure you want to go?” he questioned “Yes,” she responded “Why do you ask?” “No reason,” he whispered. Katherine shrugged off the question and continued what she was doing. Elliot seemed as if something was bothering him. He kept pacing back and forth around the room. Katherine noticed but said nothing but said nothing. She was eventually getting tired of it and as she was about to say something, Elliot blurted out,” I don’t want you to go out to sea with Oliver!” Katherine’s widened and she asked “What?” “I don’t want you to go out to sea with Oliver,” he repeated “Why not?” she inquired. Elliot hesitated for a second but finally answered,” Because I don’t trust him.” “Elliot stop being ridiculous,” said Katherine annoyed. “I’m not,” he argued “and I’m not the only one that doesn’t want you to go. Neither Arthur nor Logan wants you to go also.” “Well, why don’t they tell me to go instead of you, if they’re so concerned?” she asked angrily. Elliot sighed and said,” I don’t know but what I do know is although we fight all the time I still love you and there’s no way I’m letting my only sister spend three weeks, in open water with someone I don’t trust.” “But we’re going to get married anyways so what’s the difference,” Katherine questioned.

Elliot tried to answer her question but couldn’t. “Uh, um I-I um don’t know,” he whispered. Out of anger and annoyance, Katherine stormed off having Elliot following her. “Katherine wait!” he yelled but it was too late.

  No matter what Elliot said, Katherine was going on that trip with Oliver.

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