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Theodosia POV:
   "Hey Papa good morning!." "Hello honey, how are you!." "Good, I have to go to work soon." "O.K , bye honey have a good day." I walk towards the door excited to start the first day of work. As I open the door I see Alexander Hamilton about to ring our door bell."Oh Hello Theodosia, I need to speak to your father." " Well, he is in the kitchen eating breakfast with my mother." "Thank you." " You're welcome." *gets into her car.*
    After finishing work I spot Philip Hamilton. God I hate that boy. I know he hates me too. We used to be best friends. Nobody could tear us apart. What happened to us.

Philip POV:
    I spot Theodosia from the distance. She's glaring at me. I can see the hatred in her eyes. I wish I had the courage to talk to her. She is gorgeous. I still remember the day we stopped being best friends. We were at the playground and our fathers pulled us away from each other. My father told me she is a bad influence, and that I need more mature friends. I don't know what Aaron said to Theo though. I still remember the nickname she gave me. She called me Pip and sometimes puppy or pippy. God I love her.  

we meet at midnight {hamilton, philidosia}Where stories live. Discover now