(22): Mother

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Phillip POV
         Mom has become less loving towards dad. Don't get me wrong she still wants to love him. But she can't forgive him for cheating. He is now sleeping in his office. I haven't seen Theo in a while I what she is doing. I haven't talked to her for a while. My sister sometimes has night terrors. It happened ever since my dad published the reynolds pamphlet. I feel bad for her.
           Theo just sent me a picture of a woman and a teenage girl. She said the women was Maria Reynolds she was sure of it. My aunt Angelica had a lot of my brothers and sisters stay at her house for the week. She said we should stay here to help take care of the house. I went upstairs to write a poem for Theo. I wanna show her how much I love her. I hear crying come from my mothers room. I had grown use to her crying in her room. Because I hear it so often. It is heartbreaking to me. I wanna go give her a big hug.
           Theo's mom became ill but they took her to the doctors. They said she may be fine. She may be fine. Theodosia Sr and my mom became good friends. They were both happy ,energetic , and loved there children. Now they barely have time to spend with there kids. But they still love us. My mom would go to sleep frequently in the day. Aunt Peggy comes over to console mom. She was always so kind. I wish the moms would get better. We both love them oh so much.

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