(23): Auntie Peggy

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Peggy POV
            I had come over to take care of the Hamilton kids since there parents don't spend a lot of time with them anymore. Angelica is here with me. We will be here for as long as we need to. So far 1 week. I make the food and Angelica cleans the rest we both do. These kids are quite the handful. The only kid who hasn't been was Phillip, he has been going to see his mystery girl a lot maybe once or twice a day. He told me he loves her and when she smiles he falls apart and that she is very smart. He said she might bring her over one day but he is not sure. Eliza usually stays in her room a lot and Alex is always working in his office. A lot of the older kids go to work and the younger kids go to school and after that daycare for 2 hours.
             Today I am just sitting on the couch watching American Dad episodes on Netflix. Today Angelica is taking one of the kids to the doctors office. I need to make dinner, maybe Phillip should bring over his little girlfriend. I am so eager to finally meet her.

we meet at midnight {hamilton, philidosia}Where stories live. Discover now