(18): Doctor

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Theodosia POV
          I need to go to the doctors office. It has been 2 months since I became pregnant. I'm scared, what if something is wrong with the baby. What if I have to get rid of it. What if I die when I give birth to it. Im pregnant and scared.
          I get into the car. My mum is driving me. She has been very supportive. I told her how scared I was. She said there is no need to be scared. I told her what if something bad will happen. She told me to not think like that.
          My dad is in the back of the car. He is sweating like hell. Not because he is hot. But because he is nervous. Which is making me anxious. I nervously bite my nails. Which sucks because I just got them done last week.
          We get to the doctors office. My mom is talking to them about my pregnancy. I see little children running around the lobby. I smile, what if my baby is like that. But what if it's so weak that it can't move. A tear falls down my face. I wipe it off quickly. I don't want anybody to see me break down.
           We go inside a room. It was so white. White walls, white floor, blinding lights. I feel pain in my chest again. Its worst than the last time. My mom asks me whats wrong. I tell her I am in pain. I tell her I feel like I am on fire. Dhe gives me a long hug. My dad comes to give me a hug to.
             I tell the doctor the doctor about my stomach pain and weird cravings. She said that the cravings are normal. She also handed me a bottle of pills for my stomach pain. She said to not eat more than one a day. If I do then it could have deathly results. I look at the bottle. The side effects for if I eat more then one a day are that I will cough up blood, get more stomach pain, and maybe death. What the fuck are in these pills.
            I take one and drink some water. My mom always brings bottles of water. A couple minutes after the stomach pain stops. The doctor said my stomach pain is not connected to me being pregnant. I am glad that it doesn't. She also said that the baby is 100% fine. I text Philip about this. I know he cares about me and my baby. So I tell him everything about it. Well maybe not always.

Theo: hey phil!

Puppy: hey Theo how are you

Theo: good and the baby is fine

Puppy: that is great what about your stomach pain

Theo: the doctor gave me pills for it

Theo:  except I am not supposed to take more than one a day

Puppy: bye Theo

Theo: bye Philip

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