(20): Maria pt2

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Theo POV
         I sent Phillip the photo of Maria. He asked me who was this girl. I told him everything from the bruise on her arm to what her Instagram is. He asked if I could come over again. I need to ask my mom. "Hey mom can I please go out for an hour?" "Why?" "Ummm, I need to go buy some stuff for work." "Ok, but be back in exactly an hour not a minute more!" "Thanks mom!" I give her a big hug.
        I run towards Phillips house. When I am grounded I am not allowed to use my car. Shitty, am I right. I knock on the door over and over again. Alexander opens the door. He looks at me sadly. Like one of his child just died. "May I come in?" He lets me enter and I search for Philip. I could hear sobbing and flames coming from Eliza's room. I hear screaming coming from downstairs.
          I finally get to Phillips room. I knock on the door and he gladly opens it. I show her Maria's Instagram "Would you ever cheat on me if we were dating Phillip?" "I wanted to talk to you about us dating actually." "Will you be my girlfriend, forever and always?" "Y-Yes I will Phillip, I will." We hug each other for I don't know how long. But all I know is we love each other. That is something you can't deny.

we meet at midnight {hamilton, philidosia}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat