(7): Abuse

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Theodosia POV
        I am scared. I am finally going to tell someone about my abuse. That someone is Philip. I told him to meet me at my place. He will be here in 5 minutes. I am going to show him my bruises. Tell him what my boyfriend has been doing. Tell him about being raped. Tell him about my abortion. I put on a sports bra and shorts so that my bruises are visible i make sure my black eye is visible so I pull my hair into a high ponytail. I still remember the day I told Joseph I was pregnant. He pulled my hair, and told me to get an abortion or you will regret it. So I did. That was only 2 months ago. The doorbell rings. Oh he is here. "Hello Philip." " Hell- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!." I tell him to follow me into my room. " Well my boyfriend he raped me." " He said he wanted to have sex with me." "I told him no, then he pinned me onto the bed." He pulled all my clothes off except my bra and underwear." "Then he took off his clothes I tried to run away but he pushed me and slap and punched me." "A couple of months ago he got me pregnant and told me I better have an abortion or I would regret it." " Does he do this a lot." I cry and fall into Philips arms. I hear a big knock on the door. "Bitch open the door!." Oh no thats him get in my restroom. I push Him into the restroom and open the door. "Hey babe." "YOU WHORE!" "What did I do?" " You have that Hamilton  boy over here didn't you." "No I swear." He punches me in my stomach and I fall on that hardwood floor. I get dizzy and couldn't understand anything that happens next.

Philip POV
       I hate that boy. I can't believe he would actually hurt her. I can hear her screaming and crying. I can hear him yelling at her. Saying she is a whore and a slut. I hear a thud. I look under the door. I see her on the floor. I push the door and scream at him.  He punches me in my stomach then in my arm. I slap him and pin him on the bed. I don't know what had gotten into me. I fought him until he was unconscious. Then I picked him up bridal style and threw him out. I picked up Theo. Poor Theo. She doesn't deserve this bullshit.

we meet at midnight {hamilton, philidosia}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora