(19): Maria (Burn refrences)

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Phillip POV
"Father why did you do this to us!" Angelica screams. Our father cheated on our mother. I can't believe him. How did we find out you may ask. Well, he wrote a pamphlet about how he cheated on my mother with a 20 something year old woman named Maria Reynolds. My mothers heart is broken. She is upstairs sobbing in her room. She locked the door. Now Angie and Angelica are down here screaming at my father. What am I doing you ask, well I was screaming at him. But then I stopped. I realized it won't do anything. It can't erase my mothers heartbreak or stop my dad from cheating. Right now I am looking at the pamphlet. Reading it over and over.

Eliza POV
How could you do this Alexander. I thought you loved me. Now I am rereading the letters you wrote. You said you were mine, I really thought you were mine. You told the whole world how you brought her into our bed. I don't know if I can forgive you. You have ruined our lives. I should have listened to Angelica, you do what it takes to survive. Your words flood my senses. Oh how heartbroken my children must feel.

Theo POV
"Honey come here!" What does dad want? "Look at this!" He hands me a pamphlet titled The Reynolds Pamphlet by Alexander Hamilton. What is this. "I am going to read this upstairs dad!" "Ok!" After reading it I immediately feel like texting Philip.

Theo: Philip are you ok?

Phillip: No, why would I be ok

Theo: I just saw the pamphlet, I am so sorry

Philip: no its fine you didn't do anything.

Theo: where is you mom?

Philip: she is upstairs bawling her eyes out over this

Theo: I wish I could go and comfort her, but I'm grounded

Phillip: Why?

Theo: I may have broke a vase or two on accident.

Phillip: how?

Theo: I don't remember, it was last week. They just found out a couple days ago.

Phillip: well see ya.

Theo: bye pip

I scrolled through Instagram. Pictures of the Reynolds pamphlet. Pictures of food as usual. Instagram models and such. Then I pause. I see a username that sticks out. Maria_Reynolds. This is the woman Alexander slept with for months. She was wearing a red sundress with bright red lipstick and curly brown hair with darkish skin. She was gorgeous. I could see a small bruise on her arm. Wonder what that was from. I should sent this picture to Phillip.

                    //////Hey guys there will be a part two///////

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