(2):Mixed Emotions

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Theodosia POV:
     God why do I hate him so damn much. I can't even remember at all. It must have been years since we have been best friends. I was 10 he was 11. Now I am 17 and I am guessing he is 18, maybe? Oh shit he is coming towards me. God I do not want to do this shit now. Please do not come over here please. "Hey Theo!." "Oh, Hello Mr.Hamilton, how are you?"
" I am good ever since I saw you." I stare at him he stares at me. " Look Theo I know you don't like me, I don't know why, what did I ever do to you?." Philip says sadly. " I am sorry Pip, but my father told me to stay the hell away from you." I run away, and slip into a bathroom stall. I start to cry. I don't know why but I feel something for him. I really don't know why I hate him. Other than my fathers reasons. Which were "He is a bad influence, and he is a Hamilton and Hamiltons are never nice." I have mixed emotions about him. A part of me wants to talk to him. But another part of me wants to scream in his face. The there is a tiny part of me who whats to be best friends again or tell him how I really feel.

Philips POV:
        God why did I have to scare her off. The love of my life and she hates me. I wish she talked to me. Either way she couldn't be my girlfriend. I have one already. But it is a complicated relationship. My father introduced me to Dolly Cartermen when I was about 16 now I am 18 it has been 2 very long years. I feel like me and Dolly have had a million arguments. I also feel like she is cheating on me. Like I would even care. I am planning on breaking up with her next week when she comes back from a trip anyway. She is always taking trips, maybe every week or so. All she cares about is sex, money, and power. But I know Theo wouldn't be like that. She was always so sweet. She taught me how to dance. I don't know when I first met her. I think I was 7 and she was 6. My mom invited her mom to come over for some coffee. Mrs.Burr just so happened to bring Theo. I think my heart beat 10 times faster when I saw her. She had curly brow hair. Plus she had sparkling hazel eyes. I felt mesmerized looking at her. She got 100x more gorgeous. Not that she wasn't gorgeous then either. I had a Huge crush on her. I think I should tell her how I feel.

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