(6):Dolly and Joseph

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Philip POV
"Hello Dolly." " Hello baby, you look sad." "I want to tell you something." "What is it babe." "I want to break up." "What!." "You can't do that!." "I am the whole package Sexy,Powerful,Rich!" " Thats not what I need in a girl." "I need an honest girl, a girl who doesn't cheat on me with some french boy in fucking France!." "Please don't break up with me😭!." " I am truly sorry but get out of my damn house."

Theodosia POV
"Oh Hello Joseph." "Hey babe, lets have sex." "I am not feeling it right now." "I said lets have sex!." He pushes me onto my bed and pulls of my sweatshirt and sweatpants. I struggle to get him off of me. He lets go of me to take his clothes off. I run towards the door. He pushes me back and slaps and punches me. Then he had sex with me. I felt dirty. I felt dirty because I was raped. Because it wasn't the first time he did it to. He left my house I am glad. I had bruises all over my body and a black eye. I was scared that if I broke up with him he would have killed me. But I am even more scared of an arranged marriage to him. He has cut me before and threatened to kill me. I have caught him cheating on me. He says if I give birth to his child he would kill them. I hate him. I never told anybody about this abuse before.

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