Chapter 24

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April's POV

The snow storm was finally over. It was Monday and I had school today. The weather is being bipolar so it was 80 degrees today and over the past couple days all the snow melted.
Blake was still sleeping so I decided I should get ready
When I got out of the shower I blow dried my hair then straightened it. I put on a black muscle tank top with the big cut out arm wholes,that had the batman logo on it. I also put on a yellow bandeau to match. I put on my jean shorts and black converse. I added a little bit of foundation, mascara and winged my eye liner and some skittles Chapstick. Then I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.
I heard a my phone beep and I was a text from Carter saying 'go outside'.
So I walked outside and I saw Carter leaning against his car.
"What are you doing here?" I asked confused.
"I'm driving you to school today." he said walking up to me and pecking me on the lips
"Why?" I asked
"Why not" he said back
"Uh ok let me go tell Blake." I said and opened the front door as Carter walked back to his car.
"BLAKE!!!!" I screamed.He came running down the stairs seconds later with a towel around his waist and shampoo in his hair,holding a bat.
"What's wrong are you ok?!" he asked
I started laughing cause he looked ridiculous. He looks crazy.
"Haha-I'm-haha-fine" I said in between laughs.
"Don't laugh at me! I thought you were hurt." he said blushing.
"Awww Blake...Carter's driving me to school today" I said.
"Ok just be careful" he said
"I will" I said as a walked out of the house and stood in front of Carter.
He leaned in and kissed me. I thought it was gonna be a peck but he started kissing me more passionately.
"Mmmm you taste like skittles" he said pulling away licking his lips.
I took the Chapstick out of my pocket and held it up.
"Want some?" I asked giggling.
"Nah, I have you" he said winking,making me blush. All Carter did was chuckle.
"C'mon babe, we don't want to be late" he said grabbing my hand and opening the passenger door for me.
The car ride was fun and we just talked about random things. The school didn't know that Carter and I were dating so I wonder how there gonna take it when they find out that Ms. Popular and Mr. Bad Boy are a thing.
Carter and I were walking into the school hand in hand. People were looking at us then whispering.
"Do you mind?" Carter snapped at a group of kids looking at us.
"Why do you all look at us? don't you have lives?" He said to everybody then they all turned away.
"Geez Carter what's wrong?" I asked
"There just you like people staring at you?" he asked
"No" I said back.
We walked to my locker and saw Carly and Nate making out leaning against it.
"Uhhh YOUR ON MY LOCKER!" I yelled. They jumped apart and blushed.
"Hey Shopping Cart and shopping Cart's girlfriend." Nate said waving at us. I was confused was Shopping Cart a nickname or something?.
"What's up TermiNater and TermiNater's girlfriend." Carter said. Yep definitely nicknames.
"Hey you found a nickname for me!" Nate yelled at slapped Carter on the back.
Carly and I were just standing thee awkwardly not knowing what to do.
"OMG I have the best idea ever!" Carly yelled
"What?" Carter, Nate and I said in unison.
"We should go on a double date!" Carly yelled again.
"Where?" I asked
"Ummmm movies,carnival,dinner" Carly suggested
"How about we go out to dinner then go to the carnival?" I suggested.
"Sure!" Carly said. We looked over and the boys were standing there like they didn't care what we did.
"Boyyyyysssss?" Carly and I said dragging it out.
"Fine" they grumbled.
"Yay!" Carly and I said. We kissed our boyfriends goodbye then went off to first period.
Carter's POV

I couldn't hang out with April after school today cause she had cheerleading practice so I was over at Nate's playing video games.
"So..April dragging you to prom?" Nate asked.
"I told her no cause I'm not that kind of person." I said to Nate
"Carly making me go. something about it being my senior year and all that stuff" he said
"That's what April said" I told him.
"Carly is special and I think I owe it to her to take her to prom you know?" he asked. That made me think, April was so excited to go and I just flat out turned her down. She is amazing and all she wants is to go to prom a and I can't even give her that. I'm so selfish I can't believe I did that. I have to make this all special for her and surprise her.
And I know exactly how I'm gonna do it.
"Nate, I have a plan."

a/n oooooooo what's the plan? I feel like I'm going to have so much fun writing the next couple chapters and I think your gonna have fun reading them.Was this a long chapter? Let me know!!! Thank you for 1.1k reads that means so much and I would appreciate it even more if you VOTE!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for reading this chapter!!
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Love ya's~A😘

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