Chapter 23

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April's POV

I woke up feeling like I was about to fall. I started to roll of the side of the couch when two hands caught my waist.
"I got you" Carter said sleepily in my ear making me shiver.
"Thank you, I thought you were gonna let me fall." I said sighing.
"Never...ill always be there to catch you" he said back. Awww
My school has an app and I get notifications once in a while when the school has something coming up and I just read my phone and I have a notification about prom!
"Oh my god,Carter!PROM!!!!" I yelled and jumped up and down excitedly.
"Sorry Kitten but I don't do prom." He said calmly. I got really sad. This is Carter's senior year and he doesn't want to go to his prom! I can't believe this.
"Why?!" I asked
"Have you seen me? Do I look like I go to my school prom?" he said. I mean not really. He's not that kind of person.
"Oh come on Carter... you know you want toooooooo" I said dragging out the last word.
"Sorry" he said closing his eyes.
Since Carter and I were stuck in the house all day I decided to make cupcakes. Hopefully this time baking together won't end up like the pancake disaster.
He was in the shower so I decided i'd make them then put them in the oven before he came out.
I turned on pandora and Fall by Justin Bieber came on(shout out to Bella😉)
I started to sing along
"Well let me tell you a story, about a girl and a boy." I continued to sing a little while longer.
After I put the cupcakes in the oven I felt to hands slide around me from behind and I felt Carter's lips press against my ear as he sang softly and quietly
"What's gonna make you fall in love? I know you got your walls wrapped all the way around your heart, don't have to be scared at all, oh my love" I never knew the bad boy could sing. I guess it's true that you learn something new everyday.
He turned me around and started dancing with me. Apparently being locked in a house with Carter brings out his sweet side.
"Did you know your angel,who forgot how to fly?" he sang and spun me making me giggle.
The song-sadly-ended. But I was happy about what he did next. Carter brought his lips down to mine. I got a bunch of butterflies in my stomach. We moved are lips in sync and he kissed me passionately. He backed me up into the counter not breaking our kiss. I suddenly remembered the cupcakes and gasped and pushed Carter away.
"The cupcakes!" I yelled and ran over to the oven. I opened the oven up and smoke went everywhere.
"Shit, shit, shit" I mumbled taking the black cupcakes out of the oven.
"Babe it's fine, it's not like we were gonna eat all those cupcakes any way" Carter said
"It's your fault" I said throwing them in the garbage.
"How is it my fault?" he asked leaning against the counter
"Because you charmed me with your singing and then you kissed me and we got carried away and my cupcakes got burned" I said pouting. He walked up to me and pecked my pouted lip.
"I'm sorry" he said looking at me
"It's okay" I said
"Now where were we?" Carter said bringing his lips down to mind once again

•••a/n Sorry for the short chapter! I hope you liked it! Comment and tell me. I feel like I need to make Carter more bad boyish... how bout you? he's been to sweet lately. GIVE ME IDEAS!!! at the moment while I'm writing this I have 999 reads and I'm so excited to get 1,000! I have so many reads but no votes so VOTE!!!!!!!! Thx guys!!!
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Thx peeps!~A😘

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