Chapter 14

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Aprils POV

I woke up the next morning excited to start this plan that's happening with Dylan.
I curled my hair and clipped my bangs back.I got dressed in a skater girl mint green skirt and a white crop top that had a picture of the Eiffel Tower on the front. I put on my black converse. Then I put on my mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss and walked downstairs.
I told Blake not to wait up for me and to just go to school without me.

I took a banana and sat down at the table. I was on twitter when it said I got a text from Dylan.
I'm here
I texted back a quick ok, grabbed my bag and was out the door.


"You ready?" Dylan asked.
"Ready as I'll ever be" I said back.
Dylan got out of the car and walked over to my side and opened the door.
We intertwined our hand and started walking side by side.
I heard a lot of kids gasp at the sight of us but I tried to block it out.
I saw Carter's motorcycle but I couldn't find him.

We walked in the school and started towards my locker.
"Isn't that his locker?"Dylan whispered
"Yea I think so" Right when I said that Carter walked through the doors.
"Laugh and act like you like me" Dylan whispered
I started laughing. I'm a really good actress so it wasn't that hard and it didn't sound fake or forced at all.
I started swinging our arms back and forth.
I noticed that Nate and Carly walked up to Carter and started talking.Carters head snapped in my direction and our eyes locked for a second, instead of his eyes being the crystal blue they usually are they are almost black.Then I turned back to Dylan.
"Haha we got him, want to really make him mad?" before I could answer he crashed his lips to mine.
We heard a loud locker slam and we both jumped apart and broke the kiss.

I looked up and saw Carter walking away with his fist clenched leaving a broken locker behind with Nate and Carly standing there looking shocked.
Everybody else looked terrified as Carter past them and turned down the hallway..........

I was sitting in Biology when the teacher told me to go to the office to pick up something.
As I was walking down the hallway I felt someone grab my arm and pull me in the janitors closet.
I couldn't scream cause the person put a hand over my mouth . I felt tingles and immediately knew who it was.
"What the hell do you want Carter?" I asked removing his hand from my mouth.
"What's going on with you and Dylan?!" he asked
"We're dating and that is none of your business" I said grabbing the door knob
"What happened to us?" he asked looking down.
"You don't like me so I'm moving on, what a better way to do it with the hot, gorgeous, cute new student." I said teasing him.
I noticed that his eyes are turning black again and that he's starting to shake.
"April your mine. MINE" he said angrily.
To say I was scared would be an understatement.
"I'm not yours. I'm not anybody's!" I said
"I'm not even Dylan's" I mumbled to myself.
"I'm sorry what was that?" Carter's face went from an angry one to an amused looking one.
"Nothing" I said quickly
"If your not 'Dylan's girl' how are you dating?" he asked with a raised eyebrow,crossed arms,and a smirk plastered on his face.
Uh oh...

••• a/n How is April gonna get out of this one? Tell me what you think! I might update twice tomorrow depending on if I have a lot of homework or not. I might start a fan fiction so tell me with who! Do you guys want Dylan to stay in the story or do you want him to leave? Do you like him more than Carter? As my friends at the lunch table said they want him to die😂I told them that was a little extreme and that nobody is going to be dying anytime!
I want you guys to go check out my friend @imcstories book! It's a Harry Styles fan... Thank you for reading....Don't forget too:





In Love With The Bad BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora